
Hair Tattoos: What’s All the Buzz on This Growing Trend?

Hair Tattoos: What’s All the Buzz on This Growing Trend?

Hair tattooing, formally called scalp micropigmentation (or SMP for short), is making a big buzz here in Australia and elsewhere as a real alternative to traditional hair loss treatments.

Is SMP Really Guaranteed?

Perhaps you’ve gone through hair loss before or know someone who has. Seldom, if ever, is there a ‘silver bullet’ solution to restoring that lush, full scalp of hair. Instead, people dealing with hair loss often have to swallow a hard pill; no matter the time, effort, and cash dumped into various hair loss treatments, it’s a matter of percentages.

Regaine (often called Rogaine as it is sold in America) is one of the first that often comes to mind. Whilst for some the results are spectacular, for others it can take months of effort, only for the hair loss to continue therefore giving uncertain results for some users.

SMP, when delivered by a skilled artist is guaranteed, and that’s not an exaggeration, simply due to how it works.

How Does SMP Work?

Technically, SMP works much as a ‘normal’ tattoo would. There are needles and pigment, and that pigment is injected into the skin. But rather than leaving behind a custom graphic, SMP aims to replicate the appearance of hair, or to ‘fill in’ patchy areas to diminish the appearance of hair loss.

That’s why it’s guaranteed. Forget the idea that SMP will restore your hair entirely, as that isn’t its purpose. SMP is a predictable and immediate solution for men and women who are undergoing hair loss and would rather let biology run its course and cover-up that hair loss, than opt for costly treatments that may have a low chance of success.

Why is SMP Trending Lately?

There are many possible reasons why SMP has gotten quite popular lately – for none of which we would dare complain! The technology certainly isn’t new; SMP treatments were being performed in America in the 1990s, for example. It could simply be that SMP is a niche hair loss treatment solution, so the practitioners here in Australia were few and far between even a decade ago and remain quite limited in supply to this day. That’s all changing. Foli Sim is a dedicated clinic specialising in premium Scalp Micropigmentation. With clinics in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth employing only highly skilled and internationally-trained SMP practitioners. As more and more satisfied customers receive SMP treatment, the word inevitably spreads about the benefits of SMP and the snowball effect starts kicking in.

Where Can I Get SMP Treatment?

It’s often called a ‘hair tattoo’ but however you refer to it, it isn’t a treatment that any old tattoo parlour can perform here in Australia. Instead, it’s essential you choose a reputable, professional clinic with highly trained staff to ensure that the treatment sessions go exactly as anticipated and leave natural-looking, lasting results.

Foli Sim

A leading provider of Scalp Micropigmentation treatments in Australia, get in touch with Foli Sim to book a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about SMP.

Can I Combine a Hair Tattoo with a Hair Transplant?

Can I Combine a Hair Tattoo with a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplants have long been amongst the ‘gold standard’ hair loss treatments for men and women everywhere. Although they are not guaranteed to provide lasting results, they can have a higher success rate than topical treatments such as Regaine (minoxidil and finasteride).

However, for individuals who plan to have a hair transplant or have already gotten one, bald patches or thinning hair can still occur and leave an undesirable look that may diminish your sense of self-esteem.

Hair Tattoos as a Solution

Relatively new, or at least in terms of its growing popularity here in Australia, Scalp Micropigmentation (or simply SMP) has been successfully used for men and women experiencing hair loss. Can SMP be used in conjunction with hair transplant treatments? Yes! Much like on an original scalp of hair, SMP camouflages patchy areas should they become evident on transplanted hair.

Things to Know About SMP With Hair Transplants

In practice, the implementation of SMP treatments should work exactly the same on an ‘original’ scalp as it would on a scalp that’s received a hair transplant. However, there are some things to note that can make the process more of a challenge for the SMP practitioner.

Firstly, SMP practitioners use a wide variety of pigments to simulate the exact colour of the recipient’s hair. For patients with natural hair, it can be easier to obtain samples to reproduce the colours needed precisely. This is important because an inaccurate colour can emphasise a bald spot or draw unwanted attention.

For patients who have undergone a hair transplant, the colour pigmentation of the transplanted hair must be replicated to have any meaningful effect. Finding an adequate sample can be a challenge, as the patient may have difficulties in growing out their new hair and thereby producing a sample for the clinician. For this reason, it’s important to choose a clinic that is highly experienced and well-trained at performing SMP, as the pigmentation should be nothing short of flawless in its resemblance to the patient’s transplanted hair.

More in-depth information on the feasibility of SMP combined with hair transplants can be found in this robust study.

Is It Worth Getting SMP Along With a Hair Transplant?

This is a personal decision, however when compared to Hair Transplants, SMP can present as a more immediate and very often more affordable hair loss solution. This is due to the fact that it is both non-surgical and non-invasive, while achieving the look of a full, dense hairline. Alternatively, while Hair Transplants can provide something tangible that SMP can’t (actual hair on the scalp!), it can still result in balding or thinning patches of hair if hair loss continues.

Foli Sim

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with the professional SMP practitioners at Foli Sim to find out if Scalp Micropigmentation is a real alternative for your situation.

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Book a free, no-obligation initial consultation with one of our experts to explore how Scalp Micropigmentation can benefit you. Our clinics in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth offer in-person consultations, while Zoom and phone consultations are also available.

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