
Does Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss? Understanding the Connection and Exploring Solutions

does iron deficiency cause hair loss

The link between nutrition and hair health is a topic of significant interest and conversation. One question that frequently surfaces is, ‘Does iron deficiency cause hair loss?’. This not only stems from a scientific interest, but also from the personal experiences of those who’ve noticed changes in their hair’s thickness, texture, or overall health.

In this article we look deeper into the link between iron deficiency and hair loss.

What is iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies globally, affecting a large portion of the population, especially women. Iron plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions, including the production of haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to various parts of the body. If advanced enough, iron deficiency can turn into iron-deficiency anemia.

What is iron deficiency

The impact of iron deficiency on hair health

But what’s the link between iron and hair health?

Hair follicles contain cells that multiply rapidly, and like all fast-growing cells, they require an ample supply of nutrients, including iron, to proliferate. Iron helps in the production of red blood cells, which in turn supply the hair follicles with oxygen. This process is crucial for the hair growth cycle.

Evidence linking iron deficiency to hair loss

Some scientific studies have investigated the relationship between iron deficiency and hair loss, providing evidence that low iron levels can be linked to various forms of hair loss, including telogen effluvium (temporary hair shedding), and even patterned hair loss such as alopecia. Essentially, this research suggests that hair follicle cells may be especially vulnerable to reduced iron levels, potentially hindering their ability to effectively produce new cells when iron reserves are depleted.

However, it’s important to distinguish between correlation and causation. While low iron levels are associated with hair loss, it does not necessarily mean iron deficiency is the direct cause of hair shedding in all cases.

Evidence linking iron deficiency to hair loss

Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency-related hair loss

Recognising hair loss related to iron deficiency involves observing specific symptoms, such as increased hair shedding, weak and brittle hair, diminished hair volume, and perhaps the slowing of hair growth.

These signs can often accompany general symptoms of iron deficiency like fatigue, pale skin, and brittle nails. If you suspect your hair loss is due to iron deficiency, it’s crucial to seek medical advice. A healthcare provider can conduct blood tests to confirm your iron levels and investigate other potential causes of hair loss.

Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency-related hair loss

Prevention and management

Preventing and managing iron deficiency involves dietary recommendations and lifestyle changes to boost iron levels. Incorporating iron-rich foods into your diet, such as leafy green vegetables, lean red meats, nuts, and seeds, can significantly help. Additionally, vitamin C can enhance iron absorption, so pairing iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables is beneficial.

For those unable to meet their iron needs through diet alone, iron supplements or an iron infusion might be an option, though they should only be administered under medical supervision.

Beyond dietary changes, it’s essential to address the underlying causes of iron deficiency and hair loss through professional medical consultation. This step ensures that any treatment plan is tailored to your specific needs.

Can Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) serve as a solution to iron-deficiency-related hair loss?

While addressing iron deficiency is vital for overall health and can improve hair health over time, some individuals might seek immediate solutions for hair loss.

This is where Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) may be a viable option for you. SMP is a non-invasive treatment that uses micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp, creating the appearance of a full head of hair or adding density to thinning areas.

At Foli Sim, we specialise in SMP, providing individuals experiencing hair loss with a cosmetic solution that restores the appearance of natural hair follicles.

Our team of expert SMP artists ensures that the results look natural and align with your hair colour and skin tone, offering a discreet solution that many find helps them achieve their desired look for their hair and hairline.

Can Women Get Scalp Micropigmentation and Is It Worth It?

We are here to support you

Understanding the link between iron deficiency and hair loss is the first step toward addressing this concern. By acknowledging the scientific evidence, recognising the signs, and taking proactive steps toward prevention and management, individuals can navigate this challenge more effectively.

For those seeking immediate solutions to hair loss and hair thinning, Scalp Micropigmentation offers a promising, non-invasive option.

At Foli Sim, we’re committed to providing personalised, compassionate care to both men and women exploring SMP as a solution to hair loss. If you’re considering SMP or have any questions about how it can benefit you, we invite you to reach out for a consultation.

Our goal is to support you in finding a solution that helps you feel your best.

How Much Hair Is Normal To Lose Daily?

How Much Hair Is Normal To Lose Daily

In the quest for luscious, healthy hair, many of us find ourselves fretting over strands clinging to our hairbrushes or shower drains. But how much hair loss is truly cause for concern?

At Foli Sim, we understand the anxiety and stress that can accompany the sight of shedding hair. This blog aims to demystify the natural process of hair shedding, clarifying what amount of hair loss is considered normal on a daily basis.

Understanding the hair growth cycle

Hair growth undergoes a cyclical pattern consisting of three phases: the anagen (growth) phase, the catagen (transition) phase, and the telogen (resting) phase. At any given time, a majority of your hair is growing, while a small percentage rests. It’s during the telogen phase that hair is released and falls out. This cycle ensures that normal hair shedding is a continuous and natural process for hair renewal.
Understanding the hair growth cycle

What is considered a normal amount of hair loss?

So how much hair is normal to lose daily? On average, it’s normal to lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day. This range is considered typical due to the hair growth cycle’s nature. However, this number can vary based on several factors, including hair density, length, and personal health. It’s important to remember that seeing a few strands on your pillowcase or in your shower isn’t necessarily a sign of abnormal hair loss, in fact its entirely normal.

Factors contributing to increased hair shedding

There are a few factors can influence hair shedding beyond the natural cycle:

  • Genetics: Hereditary patterns of baldness or thinning hair can play a significant role.
  • Diet and nutrition: Lack of essential nutrients can impact hair health, notably deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Lifestyle: Stress, smoking, and certain hairstyles that pull on the hair can increase hair loss.
  • Health conditions: Thyroid disorders, hormonal changes, and other medical conditions can contribute to increased hair shedding.

Understanding these factors can help you gauge whether the hair loss you’re experiencing falls within a normal range or if it’s being influenced by external factors.

Factors contributing to increased hair shedding

What can I do at home to reduce increased hair shedding?

To reduce increased hair shedding at home, you can try several strategies that nurture your scalp and hair, promoting overall hair health. These include:

  • Maintain a balanced diet: Ensure your diet is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that support hair growth, such as vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help strengthen your hair.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial for your overall health and can also improve the health of your hair. Hydration helps to keep your scalp moisturised, reducing the chances of dryness and brittleness in your hair.
  • Gentle hair care: Use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner suited to your hair type. Avoid washing your hair too frequently to prevent stripping it of its natural oils. When drying your hair, pat it gently with a towel instead of rubbing it vigorously.
  • Minimise heat styling: High temperatures from hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can damage your hair and lead to increased shedding. Try to limit the use of these tools and always use a heat protectant spray when you do.
  • Scalp massage: Regularly massaging your scalp can increase blood circulation, which in turn promotes hair growth. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp in circular motions for a few minutes daily.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles: Hairstyles that pull on the scalp, like tight ponytails, buns, or braids, can cause hair loss over time. Opt for looser styles that minimise tension on your hair follicles.
  • Manage stress: High stress levels can lead to hair shedding. Engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or any hobby that relaxes you.

Assessing your level of hair loss

Monitoring your hair loss can help distinguish between normal shedding and signs that may warrant further attention. If you notice sudden or patchy hair loss, or if you’re shedding more hair than usual over a prolonged period, it might be time to delve deeper into the underlying causes.

Significant deviations from normal hair shedding, especially when accompanied by other symptoms, should prompt a consultation with a doctor or hair loss specialist.

Assessing your level of hair loss

SMP as a solution to increased hair shedding

For those experiencing more pronounced hair loss, Scalp Micropigmentation offers a modern, non-invasive solution for both men and women. SMP involves depositing pigment into the scalp to mimic the appearance of natural hair follicles. This cosmetic procedure can significantly improve the appearance of thinning hair, bald spots, and receding hairlines, offering the appearence of denser, fuller hair.

SMP for hair loss in men

Take the first steps towards a more confident you

If you’re concerned about your hair loss and curious about whether SMP is right for you, reach out to our friendly team at Foli Sim. Our team of experienced professionals is here to provide you with a supportive and informative consultation, guiding you towards a solution that best fits your needs and unique pattern of hair loss.

Understanding that hair loss is a personal and often sensitive issue, we approach each consultation with empathy and professionalism. Our goal is to help you navigate your hair loss journey with confidence, offering solutions that align with your concerns and aspirations. At Foli Sim, we’re committed to helping you rediscover the confidence that comes with feeling good about your hair.

How Do Hair Fibres Work To Address Hair Loss?

How Do Hair Fibres Work

In the journey to combat hair loss, people face a myriad of options, from over-the-counter solutions like hair fibres to more permanent fixes such as Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP). While hair fibres may offer a quick fix, they come with limitations that can affect daily life and long-term satisfaction.

Here at Foli Sim, we understand the importance of finding a lasting solution that not only looks natural but also restores confidence without daily hassle.

What is a fibre hair product?

Hair fibres, made from materials like keratin, cotton, or rayon, are designed to temporarily cling to existing hair strands, creating the illusion of a fuller head of hair. They are marketed as a quick fix for thinning hair, relying on an electrostatic charge to bind to hair. While the concept seems promising, the reality of applying and maintaining hair fibres can be less than ideal.

What is a fibre hair product

How do hair fibres work and how are they applied?

Applying hair fibres involves starting with dry, styled hair and choosing a colour that matches your natural hair for a seamless look. The fibres are shaken onto the thinning areas from a few inches above the scalp, with an optional spray applicator used for precise application, especially near the hairline. After application, a light patting or combing helps blend the fibres with your natural hair, and a fine mist hair spray secures them in place.

Although hair fibres provide an immediate cosmetic fix to thinning hair, they require reapplication after each wash, making Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) a more permanent and hassle-free solution for those seeking lasting results.

What are the limitations of hair fibres?

The temporary nature of hair fibres means they require daily application, a time-consuming and sometimes messy process. They can also be prone to clumping and uneven distribution, leading to an unnatural appearance, especially under different lighting conditions. Moreover, hair fibres offer no resistance to elements like wind and rain and can come off on pillows, clothes, and during physical activities.

Can hair fibres cause hair loss?

Hair fibres are designed as a cosmetic solution to temporarily conceal hair loss and create the appearance of fuller hair. Generally, hair fibres do not cause hair loss. They are made from natural or synthetic materials that statically cling to your existing hair, without affecting the scalp or hair follicles.

However, it’s important to maintain good scalp hygiene when using hair fibres. Improper application or failure to wash them out regularly can lead to buildup on the scalp, potentially irritating or clogging hair follicles. While this doesn’t directly cause hair loss, maintaining a clean scalp is crucial for overall hair health. If you have sensitive skin or scalp conditions, it’s advisable to test the product on a small area first or consult with a dermatologist to ensure the hair fibre product won’t cause any adverse reactions.

Why is Scalp Micropigmentation superior?

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-invasive treatment that offers a permanent solution to hair loss, suitable for both men and women. By depositing pigment into the scalp with micro-fine needles, SMP creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles, giving the illusion of a full head of shaven hair or adding density to thinning areas. Unlike hair fibres, SMP is a long-lasting hair loss solution that requires minimal maintenance, making it an ideal option for those seeking a hassle-free alternative.

Benefits of SMP over hair fibres

Durability and low maintenance

SMP is a permanent solution that withstands the test of time. Once completed, it requires little to no daily upkeep, freeing individuals from the constant worry of their hair appearance and allowing them to enjoy life to the fullest.

Natural, consistent appearance

SMP offers a uniform, natural-looking result that is tailored to each individual’s hair colour, skin tone, and desired look. It eliminates the uneven and sometimes artificial appearance that can come with hair fibres, ensuring a consistent look that boosts confidence.

Weather and sweat-resistant

SMP remains unaffected by weather conditions or physical activities, unlike hair fibres that can run or fade. This reliability ensures that individuals can lead an active lifestyle without fear of their hair solution failing them at crucial moments.

Safety and efficacy

SMP is a safe procedure with a low risk of side effects. It does not damage existing hair follicles or prevent new hair growth, making it a safe choice for those concerned about further hair loss or scalp health.

What’s the Best Method of Concealing Scalp Scars?

Why choose Foli Sim for SMP

At Foli Sim, our team of experienced SMP artists create personalised SMP solutions that cater to each client’s unique needs and preferences.

Our commitment to using the highest quality pigments and the latest technology ensures that our clients receive the best possible results. We understand the emotional toll of hair loss, which is why we strive to provide a solution that not only looks natural but also restores confidence and self-esteem.


Restore your confidence long-term with Foli Sim

While hair fibres may seem like a convenient quick fix, their temporary nature and the daily hassle they bring make them a less than ideal solution for long-term hair loss.

Scalp Micropigmentation offers a superior alternative, providing a permanent, low-maintenance solution that delivers natural-looking results. At Foli Sim, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve the look they desire with SMP, a safe and effective treatment that restores not just hair, but also confidence and peace of mind.

Choosing the right solution for hair loss is a significant decision, and we are here to provide the information and support needed to make the best choice. If you’re ready to move beyond temporary fixes and embrace a lasting solution, contact our friendly team at Foli Sim.

What Can Be Done To Address Postpartum Hair Loss?

postpartum hair loss

Entering motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it often comes with a set of physical and emotional changes that can be challenging to navigate. One common concern among many new mothers is postpartum hair loss. Although losing hair postpartum is quite common, it can also be emotionally distressing.

The good news is that there are non-invasive solutions available to address it. In this blog, we will delve into the causes and common duration of postpartum hair loss, and discuss how Scalp Micropigmentation can help address the symptoms of postpartum hair loss and help you regain your confidence.

What is postpartum hair loss?

Postpartum hair loss, often referred to as postpartum alopecia, is a temporary condition that affects many women after childbirth. It typically occurs in the months following delivery and can lead to noticeable hair thinning or shedding. While it can be concerning, it’s essential to understand that this is a natural part of the postpartum experience.

How common is postpartum hair loss?

You are not alone in experiencing postpartum hair loss; in fact, it’s an incredibly common phenomenon that many new mothers face. Studies have consistently revealed that a significant percentage of women, up to 90%, may experience some degree of hair loss in the months following childbirth. This prevalence highlights that postpartum hair loss is not an isolated or unusual occurrence but rather a natural part of the postnatal journey that countless women go through.

How common is postpartum hair loss

How long does postpartum hair loss last?

One of the most common questions new mothers have is, ‘How long does postpartum hair loss last?’.

The duration of postpartum hair loss can vary from person to person, but it typically peaks around three to four months after giving birth. Some women may continue to experience hair loss for up to a year postpartum.

Several factors can influence the duration of postpartum hair loss, including genetics, hormonal fluctuations, and overall health. While it may feel like a prolonged process, it’s crucial to remember that it is temporary.

How postpartum hair loss impacts individuals

For some women, the emotional toll of postpartum hair loss can be significant. Many women experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, or lowered self-esteem as they watch their hair thin or shed – these emotions are entirely normal and valid.

Support from loved ones, self-care practices, and seeking professional advice can help you navigate this challenging phase. Remember that you are more than your hair, and your beauty extends far beyond your appearance.

How postpartum hair loss impacts individuals

Scalp micropigmentation as a treatment for postpartum hair loss

If you are seeking a non-invasive and effective solution to address postpartum hair loss, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) may be the answer you’ve been looking for. SMP is a cutting-edge procedure offered by Foli Sim catering to both men and women experiencing various degrees of hair loss.

How SMP Works

SMP is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique that involves the application of microdots of pigment to the scalp. These microdots replicate the appearance of hair follicles, creating the illusion of a fuller, denser head of hair. The procedure is safe, minimally invasive, and offers immediate results.

Benefits of SMP for postpartum hair loss

SMP offers several benefits that make it an ideal choice for women experiencing postpartum hair loss:

  • Natural appearance: SMP delivers a natural-looking result, ensuring that your hairline looks authentic and harmonious with your facial features.
  • Low maintenance: Unlike other hair restoration options, SMP requires minimal maintenance. You won’t need to worry about daily styling or costly hair products.
  • Quick procedure: SMP sessions are relatively quick, making it a convenient choice for busy mothers.
  • Instant results: Unlike medications or other hair restoration products, SMP provides an instant result, so you can walk out of the clinic feeling transformed.
  • Boost in confidence: Restoring your hair’s appearance can have a profound impact on your self-confidence and self-esteem, helping you feel like your best self.

Can Women Get Scalp Micropigmentation and Is It Worth It?

How to maintain hair and scalp health postpartum

While SMP is an effective solution for postpartum hair loss, it’s also essential to adopt healthy hair care practices to support the recovery of your natural hair.

  • Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can promote hair growth. Consider incorporating foods high in biotin, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids into your meals.
  • Gentle hair care: Avoid excessive brushing or tight hairstyles that may stress your hair. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type.
  • Stress management: High stress levels can contribute to hair loss. Practice stress-reduction techniques and/or seek professional help to address the root cause of your stress. To read more: Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?
  • Consultation: Seek professional advice from a dermatologist or trichologist to address any underlying scalp or hair health issues.

Addressing common misconceptions about postpartum hair loss and SMP

There are several misconceptions surrounding postpartum hair loss and SMP:

Myth: Postpartum hair loss is permanent

As mentioned earlier, postpartum hair loss is temporary and will likely improve with time (although the density and time it takes to grow back can vary between individuals).

As your natural hair starts to grow back, it will seamlessly blend with your SMP, providing you with a natural, denser looking head of hair.

Myth: SMP is painful

The SMP procedure is typically well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort for most people. Any mild discomfort is usually short-lived.

Myth: SMP looks unnatural

When performed by skilled professionals like our SMP artists at Foli Sim, SMP looks remarkably natural and compliments your appearance. SMP can be naturally woven in with your natural hair growth pattern, giving you immediate results.

smp artist

Regaining your confidence with Foli Sim

Postpartum hair loss is a common and temporary phase in the postpartum journey. While it can be emotionally challenging, remember that you are not alone, and there are effective solutions available to restore your hairline.

Scalp Micropigmentation offered by the team at Foli Sim provides a natural-looking solution to help you regain your confidence and feel like your best self again. If you are looking for a non-invastive postpartum hair loss treatment, give our friendly and approachable team a call on 1300 668 490 to see how we can help.

Rosemary Oil and Hair Growth: Separating Fact from Fiction

does rosemary help hair growth

Hair loss and thinning hair can be disheartening, affecting our confidence and self-esteem. In the quest for a solution, many have turned to natural remedies, with rosemary oil being one of the frontrunners in the race to promote hair growth.

But does it really work, or is it just another hair care fad? In this blog post, we’ll explore the effectiveness of rosemary oil in promoting hair growth. Additionally, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of viral hair growth trends.

What is rosemary oil?

Rosemary oil is derived from the leaves of the rosemary plant through steam distillation. This aromatic herb has a long history of culinary and medicinal uses, and its benefits extend to the world of hair care.

What is rosemary oil

Historical uses of rosemary oil in hair care

Rosemary oil has been used for hair care since ancient times. In ancient Greece, it was used to promote hair growth and prevent baldness. In traditional Indian medicine, it was used to treat dandruff and other scalp conditions.

Here are some historical uses of rosemary oil in hair care:

  • Stimulating hair growth: Rosemary was believed to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth.
  • Improving scalp health: Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties were thought to maintain a healthy scalp, which is essential for robust hair growth.
  • Preventing premature greying: Rosemary oil was also used to combat premature greying, possibly due to its antioxidant content.

So what does rosemary oil do for hair? Today, rosemary oil is a popular ingredient in many hair care products, including shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks. Let’s have a look at some scientific evidence to determine if rosemary oil lives up to its hair-enhancing reputation.

Does rosemary oil help hair growth? The evidence

In recent years, a handful of scientific studies have investigated the potential benefits of rosemary oil for hair growth.

While research is ongoing, a study published in Skinmed Journal have provided the following insights:

In the 2015 Volume 3 edition, a study was conducted comparing the efficacy of rosemary oil vs 2% Minoxidil in both increasing hair growth and reducing hair loss in patients with Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA).

In this study, the application of a topical rosemary solution was found to be as effective as a 2% minoxidil solution in treating AGA. Additionally, the rosemary group exhibited better treatment compliance, possibly due to reduced scalp itching and increased patient satisfaction with reduced hair loss.

In summary, the study suggests that rosemary oil has the potential to be an effective treatment for AGA, with effects such as improved blood circulation to the scalp, antioxidant activity, and hair strand conditioning evident after a 3 to 6 month period.

So, does rosemary oil help for hair growth? While this study provided promising insights into the potential of rosemary oil for hair growth and hair and scalp conditioning, it’s important to note that more research is needed to establish its effectiveness in diverse populations. It also may not be applicable to all individuals or hair loss conditions.

rosemary oil for hair growth

Viral hair growth fads

In the age of social media and instant gratification, it’s not uncommon for hair growth fads to gain viral popularity. From unconventional DIY treatments to natural rituals, people are willing to try almost anything in pursuit of thicker, fuller hair. But why do these fads go viral, and should you jump on the bandwagon?

Why do hair growth fads go viral?

Several factors contribute to the virality of hair growth trends:

  • Desire for a quick solution: Hair loss can be emotionally distressing, leading individuals to seek quick fixes and solutions, even if they lack comprehensive scientific backing.
  • The power of social media: Platforms like Instagram and TikTok enable trends to spread rapidly. When a hair growth remedy gains traction, it can reach millions of users in a matter of hours.
  • Influencer endorsements: Influencers and celebrities often endorse these trends, lending them an air of credibility and encouraging their followers to try them.

Why do hair growth fads go viral

Risks and benefits of following hair growth fads

While some hair growth fads may yield positive results for a lucky few, others can be ineffective or even harmful. It’s essential to approach these trends with caution.

  • Potential benefits: Some trends may offer legitimate benefits, such as improved hair health or texture. However, these benefits might not be as dramatic or transformative as claimed, and may not provide any dramatic results such as increased hair growth or density.
  • Potential risks: DIY treatments or unverified products can lead to adverse reactions, scalp irritation, or further hair damage. It’s crucial to consult with a professional before trying any trend yourself.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP): a guaranteed transformation

If you’re tired of sifting through hair growth fads and searching for a reliable solution, consider Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP). SMP is a non-surgical, guaranteed procedure that can create the illusion of a fuller head of hair.

SMP is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the application of micro-pigments to the scalp to replicate the appearance of hair follicles. Although it does not ‘stimulate’ real hair growth, it’s a safe and effective way to achieve the appearance of a closely-shaved head or added density to thinning hair, making it a viable option for both men and women.

While rosemary oil shows potential in supporting hair growth, it’s essential to approach it with realistic expectations and consider the scientific evidence. Viral hair growth fads may offer a glimmer of hope, but they often lack concrete backing, and any results may vary extensively between individuals.

If you’re seeking guaranteed results and an affordable, non-surgical solution for hair concerns, Scalp Micropigmentation could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Hair Tattoos: What’s All the Buzz on This Growing Trend?

Benefits of SMP

  • Guaranteed results: Unlike many hair growth fads, SMP delivers instant and guaranteed results. You’ll walk out of the clinic with a transformed appearance.
  • Non-surgical: SMP doesn’t require surgery, making it a low-risk option.
  • Affordable: Compared to surgical hair restoration procedures, SMP is cost-effective.
  • Easy maintenance: SMP is easy to maintain and typically requires minimal touch-ups.

Does Scalp Micropigmentation Really Work

If you’ve been struggling with hair loss and are seeking a reliable solution, it might be time to explore the possibilities of Scalp Micropigmentation.

At Foli Sim, we specialise in personalised SMP services that can give you the appearance of a restored hairline, restored density in thinning areas, or a buzzcut look. Our SMP services are designed to transform both your appearance and your confidence. Contact us today to learn more about SMP or to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

The Latest Hair Loss Treatments To Get Overseas: Why You Should Be Skeptical

Latest Hair Loss Treatments - smp

Are you among the countless individuals seeking solutions for hair loss? The internet is full of information and offers of the latest hair loss treatments overseas, promising quick and affordable solutions. But before you pack your bags and head overseas for that seemingly tempting hair transplant, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved.

In this blog, we’ll explore why it’s essential not to opt for cheap hair loss treatments overseas, and why choosing a reputable clinic closer to home in Australia might be the safer option.

The allure of overseas hair transplants: is it worth the risk?

The promise of a full head of hair and cost savings can be tempting, but there are significant risks associated with cheap hair loss treatments overseas.

While there are certainly reputable clinics worldwide, not all overseas clinics adhere to the same rigorous safety and hygiene standards as those in Australia.

Are hair transplants overseas safe?

The question of whether hair transplants overseas are safe has become increasingly relevant as more individuals consider traveling overseas in pursuit of a solution to their hair loss concerns.

It’s essential to delve deeper into this issue and understand the nuances and safety concerns associated with undergoing such a significant procedure abroad.

Clinic variability

One of the first safety concerns when considering hair transplants or other hair restoration clinics overseas is the variability in clinic quality. While there are undoubtedly reputable and world-class clinics all over the world, there are also less trustworthy establishments. The difference between these clinics can be vast, impacting not only the quality of care you receive but also your overall safety during the procedure.

Regulatory oversight

Regulatory standards for medical procedures can vary significantly from one country to another. There may be differences in the level of oversight and regulation compared to countries like Australia. The absence of stringent regulatory measures could potentially lead to inconsistencies in safety protocols and practices within overseas clinics.

Language and communication barriers

Effective communication with your medical team is paramount when undergoing any surgical procedure. Language barriers can pose a significant challenge in understanding the details of your treatment plan, discussing your concerns, and ensuring that you are fully informed about the procedure’s risks and benefits.

Quality assurance

Quality control can pose a notable concern when exploring hair loss treatments abroad. The absence of stringent oversight and regulations could potentially lead to the use of substandard procedures and materials, potentially resulting in less satisfactory outcomes and possible complications.

Just as you would in Australia, researching your clinic beforehand is crucial to ensure it provides the level of safety and quality you expect when seeking hair loss treatments.

Hygiene and sterilisation

Ensuring a sterile environment during surgery is essential to prevent infections and complications. While many overseas clinics maintain high hygiene standards, there is always the risk of encountering facilities that may not prioritise these critical aspects of patient safety.

Post-operative care

The safety concerns associated with hair transplants overseas beyond the operating room. Adequate post-operative care and follow-up are crucial for a successful outcome. Being thousands of kilometres away from the clinic can make it difficult to access necessary follow-up care and address any complications that may arise.

In the unlikely event that you do happen to have any post procedure complications, having a clinic close to home gives you that peace of mind that you will be able to easily access the post-operative treatment you need.

Post-operative care

Scalp micropigmentation: the innovative alternative to hair transplants

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) offers a compelling alternative to traditional hair transplants, with several key advantages. Firstly, SMP is a non-invasive procedure that doesn’t involve surgery, making it an attractive option for those seeking to avoid surgical options. Additionally, SMP boasts minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities almost immediately, unlike the weeks of recovery often associated with hair transplants.

When administered by skilled technicians, SMP delivers a natural-looking hairline and the illusion of increased hair density and hair growth, offering a subtle yet effective means of enhancing one’s appearance.

Individuals with varying degrees of hair loss are eligible, from patchy hair loss, hair thinning, receding hairlines, hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia and common male and female pattern hair loss. SMP is a tailored solution which can be personalised to each individual and their level of hair loss.


Foli Sim: your trusted partner for scalp micropigmentation

Foli Sim operates under stringent health codes and regulations, ensuring a sterile and secure environment for all patients, with your well-being as our utmost priority. Our clinics are all health department certified, and we only use medical grade equipment for our SMP procedures.

Our team is made up of highly experienced professionals who are experts in the field, guaranteeing that your hair loss treatment is performed by skilled hands.

By opting for one of our Australian based clinics in Perth, Melbourne or Sydney it means that you’re always in close proximity to follow-up care and additional treatments if needed, ensuring continuous support at every step of your journey to hair restoration.

Scalp Micropigmentation in Perth

For when SMP might not be suitable – reach out to New Hair Clinic: high quality hair transplants in Australia

New Hair Clinic is another reputable hair loss clinic based in Australia, specialising in hair transplants. We’re proud to have such esteemed colleagues in the field, committed to providing excellent hair loss solutions.

At New Hair Clinic, individuals can experience a distinctive personalised approach to their hair journey. Unlike generic, one-size-fits-all solutions, New Hair Clinic customises each step of their transplant procedure to align with the unique style, preferences, and aspirations of each client. New Hair Clinic boasts an award-winning team with decades of experience at the forefront of modern hair restoration techniques, empowering numerous individuals to regain their confidence.

Notably, the clinic’s doctors use the Martinick Technique, a minimally invasive method known for delivering natural, high-density hair transplant results with minimal scarring, making them the preferred choice for hair transplants in Perth.

Those looking to transform their hair through a hair transplant can call New Hair Clinic today and book with code NCH1000 to gain access to an exclusive discount offer.

high quality hair transplants in Australia

Prioritise your safety and satisfaction in your hair loss journey

When it comes to addressing hair loss and finding solutions, your safety and satisfaction should be your top priorities. Opting for cheap hair loss treatments overseas may seem appealing, but the risks far outweigh the benefits.

Around the world, you can undoubtedly find excellent hair restoration clinics, but it’s crucial to exercise due diligence when choosing the right one. Look for a clinic with experienced staff, a track record of successful case studies, and strict adherence to health codes. While a cheap offer might be tempting, it’s essential to question why it’s so inexpensive. Are they cutting corners or using subpar equipment? When it comes to any cosmetic medical procedure, prioritising your safety is paramount, and investing a bit more for peace of mind can prove worthwhile in the long term.

You deserve the best care, and that’s precisely what you’ll find in the capable hands of the team at Foli Sim. Get in touch to enquire about our SMP services or to book a free consultation.

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Male Pattern Baldness and the Norwood Scale

male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common form of hair loss among men. Affecting up to 70% of men at some point in their lives, this condition often has more than just physical implications; it can take a considerable toll on one’s self-esteem and psychological well-being. For many, it’s not just about the receding hairline or thinning crown, but the underlying fear of aging, losing attractiveness, or not fitting societal standards of appearance.

But you’re not alone, and there are effective solutions available to address male pattern baldness.

Symptoms of male pattern baldness

Recognising the early symptoms of male pattern baldness is key to taking proactive steps. The initial signs usually manifest as a receding hairline and/or thinning at the crown of the head. Hair loss patterns differ significantly across individuals and can manifest at any stage in life. Some men may notice signs of hair thinning as early as 18 and continue to experience it as they age.

Some may notice diffuse thinning all over the scalp, while others might see pronounced hair loss in specific areas. Knowing these early-stage male pattern baldness symptoms helps you identify when you should seek professional help, if these symptoms are of concern to you.
Symptoms of male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness symptoms

To better understand the progression of hair loss, professionals often use the Norwood Scale as a standardised measurement tool.

What is the Norwood Scale?

The Norwood Scale classifies the stages of male pattern baldness into seven main categories:

  1. Norwood 1: No significant hair loss or receding hairline.
  2. Norwood 2: Early stage male pattern baldness. The hairline starts to recede, usually in a pattern that resembles the letter ‘M’.
  3. Norwood 3: The recessions become deeper, and thinning at the crown becomes noticeable.
  4. Norwood 4: Hairline recession is more severe, and a bald spot may appear at the crown.
  5. Norwood 5: The bald areas at the front and crown continue to grow, but a thin division remains.
  6. Norwood 6: The division between the bald areas diminishes, leading to a larger bald area.
  7. Norwood 7: Only a band of hair remains around the sides and back of the scalp.

What is the Norwood Scale

Male pattern baldness stages & the Norwood Scale

Understanding where you fall on the Norwood Scale is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for a standardised discussion about the extent of your hair loss, making consultations with professionals more effective, as you gain an understanding of the severity and progression of your hair loss. Secondly, knowing your stage helps in deciding the most suitable hair restoration options.

Scalp micropigmentation as a hair loss solution

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is an innovative, non-surgical treatment that replicates the appearance of a fuller head of hair by carefully tattooing microdots of pigment into the scalp.

SMP is non-invasive, affordable, and a more natural hair loss option in comparison to other hair restoration options.

SMP provides a realistic and long-lasting solution to hair loss, which requires little maintenance or upkeep. One of the key benefits is that it delivers natural-looking results, tailored to your hair colour, skin tone, and personal preferences.

Do you have to be completely bald to be eligible for SMP?

No, you don’t need to be completely bald to qualify for SMP. If you have noticed the first signs of hair loss, such as thinning hair or a receding hairline, SMP can be effectively woven into these areas to provide the appearance of denser hair and a restored hairline.

To read more: Do You Have To Shave Your Head For Scalp Micropigmentation?

When to consider SMP

Determining the right time to consider SMP largely depends on your individual hair loss progression and your comfort level with your appearance. If you’re noticing escalating symptoms or find yourself increasingly concerned about your hair loss, it might be an appropriate time to explore SMP.

Hair loss is a personal experience, and when it gets to the point where it starts to bother you personally, you can start exploring your options.

At Foli Sim, our consultation process is designed to be thorough, empathetic and personalised. We understand that hair loss is a deeply personal experience, and we do not take this lightly.

Our team is committed to understanding your needs and suggesting the most effective SMP option for your degree of hair loss and personal preferences. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality SMP solutions by a team that genuinely cares.

You’re not alone in your hair loss experience

Male pattern baldness is a common condition affecting a large percentage of men. Recognising its symptoms early on and understanding your stage via the Norwood Scale are essential steps in managing this condition effectively. Our high-quality and effective SMP services for men provide a realistic, durable, and non-surgical solution to address varying stages of hair loss.

If you’re facing hair loss and seeking a trusted, reliable solution, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team at Foli Sim. Our team of SMP experts is ready to guide you through a personalised consultation to discuss your needs and treatment options. Contact us today to reclaim not just your hair, but also your confidence.

Do You Have To Shave Your Head For Scalp Micropigmentation? Unveiling the Versatility of Scalp Micropigmentation

shave your head for scalp micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is revolutionising the way we address hair loss. Once thought to be exclusively for those experiencing complete baldness, the versatility of SMP is steadily emerging. At Foli Sim, we aim to debunk the myths surrounding this innovative treatment and demonstrate how it offers effective solutions for a spectrum of hair loss issues. Whether you’re a man experiencing male pattern baldness or a woman battling thinning or patchiness, SMP might be the answer you’ve been searching for.

One hesitation we often hear regarding SMP is that one must have a shaved head prior to receiving the treatment. In this blog, we debunk this myth and discuss how SMP can be worked into your natural hair, whilst still achieving the best results.

How does scalp micropigmentation work?

We have touched on this before in our previous blogs, but to recap: SMP is a non-surgical treatment where specialised microneedles are used to deposit pigment dots into the scalp, simulating the appearance of natural hair follicles. The result? A fuller, denser looking head of hair, indistinguishable from the real thing. It’s no surprise that SMP’s popularity has soared, especially among those seeking non-invasive, affordable alternatives.

Scalp Micropigmentation and Scalp Tricopigmentation

SMP for hair loss in men

It’s a common misconception that SMP for men is only for those who have a fully shaved head. On the contrary, many men with thinning hair or receding hairlines also opt for this procedure. The treatment adds depth and density to diminishing areas, effectively masking the appearance of hair thinness, and restoring the hairline. And yes, for those who have embraced their baldness, SMP can recreate a sharp, defined hairline by creating a buzzcut look.

SMP for hair loss in men

SMP for thinning and patchiness in women

Hair thinning isn’t a gender-exclusive issue. Women, especially postpartum or those facing female pattern baldness, can experience patchy hair loss, or hair thinning. SMP for women is steadily growing in popularity for its ability to add the appearance of restored hair density and volume. By meticulously placing pigments, SMP masks these patches, ensuring a consistent hair appearance. There is no requirement for women to shave their hair fully or partially in order to receive SMP, as it can be applied directly to patchy or thinning areas to blend in with the natural hair growth of the actual hair.

SMP for thinning and patchiness in women

Debunking the shaving myth

One of the main hesitations around SMP is the believed requirement to shave the head entirely. This isn’t always the case. For those with longer hair, SMP can be carefully woven into existing hair patterns and remaining hair to achieve a holistic and blended appearance.

Only in specific scenarios, such as recreating a buzzcut look, might full head shaving be recommended prior to receiving the treatment.

To read more: 5 Steps To Prepare For Scalp Micropigmentation

Personalised SMP solutions with Foli Sim

At Foli Sim, we understand that hair loss is deeply personal. Hence, our treatments are too. Tailoring each SMP session, we ensure that patterns match your natural hair growth, providing realistic and authentic results. With a team of seasoned SMP artists, we pride ourselves on creating lifelike hairlines and ensuring optimal satisfaction.

Our commitment to the personal nature of hair loss is reflected in the meticulous attention we give to each SMP session. We understand that no two individuals are the same, and their experiences with hair loss are unique. That’s why our treatments are not one-size-fits-all; they are tailored to the specific needs, preferences, and the natural hair growth patterns of each client.

Our highly skilled and experienced SMP artists are dedicated to crafting results that are not only visually convincing but also emotionally satisfying. The art of SMP is about more than just replicating hair follicles – it’s about understanding the nuances of hairline design, hair density, and colour variation to achieve results that blend seamlessly with your individual features.

Personalised SMP solutions with Foli Sim

SMP vs. other hair loss solutions

While alternatives like hair transplants, wigs, and topical solutions exist, SMP has the benefits of being a simple, non-invasive and an efficient process. Unlike invasive surgical procedures, SMP promises minimal downtime. And, unlike wigs or topical products, SMP offers a more enduring, low-maintenance solution that ages gracefully with you.

Thinning Hair: How Scalp Micropigmentation Can Help

Your hair transformation journey awaits

At Foli Sim, our ultimate goal is to ensure your satisfaction, not only with the immediate results but also with the lasting impact of the treatment. We believe that true satisfaction goes beyond the visual aspect – it encompasses the emotional transformation that comes with renewed confidence and self-assuredness.

In a world where first impressions matter, your hair shouldn’t be a source of insecurity. Scalp Micropigmentation is a testament to how aesthetic treatments have evolved, accommodating varied hair loss concerns for both men and women, and not just catering to full baldness. SMP is versatile, effective, and seamlessly natural. So, if you’re intrigued about SMP and envision a renewed, confident self, reach out to our friendly team.

We are more than happy to provide you more information regarding the scalp micropigmentation procedure itself, the preparation required and the steps for aftercare. Schedule a consultation with Foli Sim today and let us curate an SMP solution tailored just for you and your needs.

Understanding the Causes of Hair Loss in Women and Effective Ways to Hide Thinning Hair at the Front

Understanding the Causes of Hair Loss in Women

If you are experiencing female pattern hair loss or any other type of thinning hair or hair loss, you will know just how frustrating this experience can be. Hair loss can bring about feelings of low confidence and insecurity. Naturally, you must be seeking a solution to help regain your confidence, have the appearance of a full head of hair, and get back to normal.

Navigating the endless female pattern baldness or thinning solutions can also be just plain painful. With so many different solutions, knowing which answers are effective and which are just old wives’ tales can be tricky. But never fear; if you are looking for natural-looking and long-lasting solutions that don’t require you to rub magic potions on your head several times a day or undergo intensive procedures, you are in the right place.

Scalp micropigmentation is a hair loss solution that mimics the appearance of new hair and is often used to treat female pattern hair loss or hair thinning. Scalp micropigmentation is a method that uses small tattooed dots to replicate hair follicles, creating the illusion of a fuller head of hair.

Common causes of hair loss in women

One type of hair loss in women is called female pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia and is not as uncommon as you may have been led to believe, so if you are facing hair loss, don’t worry; you aren’t alone. In fact, it’s a common cause of concern for many women, affecting almost 40% of women by age 50.

The top contributors to hair loss in women include hormonal imbalances, genetics, stress, and age. The hair growth cycle is a complicated process; unfortunately, hair loss can occur when disrupted by these factors.

On top of the above common causes, lifestyle factors and habits can also exacerbate hair loss. A lack of healthy nutrition, neglected exercise, regular smoking, or even certain hairstyles (tight styles, chemical treatments extensions or tightly woven hair) can lead to hair thinning. Hair loss caused by hairstyles actually has its own name; traction alopecia, a type of hair loss caused by hairstyles that pull tightly on the hair follicles, leading to hair damage and hair loss.

Common causes of hair loss in women

Why am I experiencing thinning hair at the front?

Thinning hair at the front of a woman’s head, which often results in a receding hairline, is usually associated with hereditary hair loss conditions like androgenetic alopecia. However, it is also possible that hormonal changes can lead to this type of patterned hair loss, including when a woman experiences menopause or polycystic ovary syndrome. Overusing harsh hair products or certain medications can also contribute to hair thinning at the front in women.

Can hair loss be a medical condition?

In some instances, hair loss can indeed be one of the signs that you are experiencing a medical condition. While this can be the case in both male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, some female baldness conditions can arise from hormonal issues, making it more important to check in with a doctor if you have sudden or unexplained female pattern baldness.

Certain conditions like thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions such as alopecia areata, and iron deficiency can result in hair loss. It is also possible that hair loss can be a side effect of certain medications, so if you are experiencing hair loss after starting a new medication, it is best to bring this up with your doctor.

Finally, it is worth remembering that, on average, humans lose 100 hairs a day. If you believe you are losing more than this, it is worth considering a blood test and doctor’s appointment to make sure you aren’t being affected by any underlying medical conditions.

Can hair loss be a medical condition

Scalp micropigmentation for hair loss

If you have been looking for a solution to restore your hairline and confidence, scalp micropigmentation is an effective treatment option for hair loss. Scalp micropigmentation works by tattooing small dots on the scalp, these dots will be matched to your hairline, and the shades and tone will be adjusted accordingly to ensure they replicate the look of your natural hair follicles.

The SMP procedure gives the illusion of new hair growth. This treatment can help restore a receding hairline, give the illusion of a fuller head of hair, and reduce the appearance of overall thinning.

Scalp micropigmentation for hair loss

Why trust Foli Sim?

When considering scalp micropigmentation for female pattern baldness or thinning hair, booking in with a team of experts is essential. By booking with an inexperienced clinic, you will unlikely get the natural look you are after.

So, save yourself the hassle from the beginning, and trust our experienced team at Foli Sim. We are a trusted name in micropigmentation and home to experienced practitioners who specialise in understanding women’s hair loss concerns. The result? Natural-looking hair and restored confidence. Just look at our positive customer reviews to get an idea of the quality of our service.

It’s time to leave the low confidence and stress of hair loss behind and take control of your future by exploring the long-lasting and natural-looking solution of SMP for women at Foli Sim. Reach out to our friendly team today, and let’s take the first step towards a more confident you.

The Importance Of Researching Your SMP Artist

The Importance of Researching Your SMP Artist 30 Jun 2023

If you have recently begun researching the Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) industry, you have likely discovered that SMP is an incredible solution as a non-invasive hair loss treatment that produces a natural looking hairline. All over the internet, you can see before and after images of outstanding results following an SMP procedure — but you might be asking yourself, what’s the catch?

Although SMP is undeniably an exceptionally effective treatment that produces noticeable results in the treated area, it’s important to note that the impressive images showcased online are the work of highly experienced SMP practitioners who have honed their skills to the highest standard over the course of many years. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of new artists offering treatments without having undergone the proper SMP training, or utilising the right equipment to achieve the natural look of hair follicles, and therefore not meeting the client’s desired result.

This is why researching a reputable SMP artist and booking in with a renowned clinic (such as Foli Sim) is critical for achieving high quality, natural-looking results.

What is scalp micropigmentation?

So, what is Scalp Micropigmentation? Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is an innovative hair loss solution that involves tattooing tiny dots of pigment onto the scalp to replicate the appearance of hair follicles. It is a non-surgical and non-invasive approach that offers an illusion of fuller hair; this method is particularly beneficial for those experiencing hair thinning or baldness. The SMP procedure can effectively address various forms of hair loss, such as alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and anagen effluvium, in both men and women.


Why choosing the right SMP artist is important

Selecting a skilled and experienced SMP artist is of utmost importance. When it comes to investing in scalp micropigmentation, you want to ensure you get it right the first time. The aesthetic outcome of your treatment heavily depends on the artist’s expertise. A seasoned SMP artist can meticulously complete the procedure, adapting to your existing hair and skin tone to offer you a natural look. An inexperienced SMP artist will not have the know-how to provide a personalised experience, and may produce poor quality results which do not last.

How to research an SMP artist

The good thing is, by reading this blog article you are already on the right path. To ensure you are booking with a qualified and professional SMP artist, we recommend conducting the following research:

  • Check for reviews and testimonials left by past clients. A satisfied client will often leave a positive review recommending the company to others.
  • Look for real photos that showcase the artist’s SMP treatment.
  • Assess the qualifications of the SMP artist (The artist should have proper credentials and training. SMP should be completed by an artist who has undergone the necessary training to perform the procedure properly, not by just any tattoo artist). To read more: How Is SMP Different From The Traditional Tattoo).
  • Ensure the SMP artist is associated with a reputable clinic. Client testimonials, and a accredited team are factors to consider when determining whether the clinic is reputable.
  • The clinic must be registered with the local Health Dept. and fully comply with relevant Health & Safety Act standards.
  • The cleanliness of the clinic is another important consideration. A professional SMP clinic is clean and organised, with the treatment area being entirely sterile to ensure a safe and effective treatment.

To read more: Why Doing Your Research Before Booking Your Next Cosmetic Procedure Is Important

Benefits of selecting an experienced SMP artist

While there are countless benefits of a good SMP artist, here are a few of the top benefits you will experience when choosing to book with a professional artist for the scalp micropigmentation process:

  • An experienced SMP artist will have been through extensive SMP training to develop a keen understanding of different scalps, skin tones and hair types.
  • They can create a natural-looking hairline regardless of the client’s skin tone and degree of hair loss.
  • They are trained to follow strict safety and cleanliness guidelines, giving you peace of mind during the procedure.

SMP vs. Hair Regrowth Treatments

SMP cost and investment

SMP is an investment in your appearance and regaining your self-confidence. While it can be tempting to opt for less experienced artists for lower costs, the risk often overshadows the savings, and you are left feeling stranded with results you aren’t happy with. Experienced SMP artists, with their proven track record, ensure the best value for your money with long-lasting and quality results, which require less maintenance and touch ups.

In regards to SMP pricing, prices vary on the degree of hair loss; but pricing can start at as low as $500 for mild hair loss. Your final quote will depend on your degree of hair loss and desired outcome.

How Foli Sim ensures the best results for clients

At Foli Sim, we understand the immense responsibility of restoring your hairline and deeply understand the impact SMP can have on restoring your self confidence.That’s why our team is only made up of experienced and internationally acclaimed SMP artists who have been setting industry standards for over 10 years.

We firmly believe in delivering an all-encompassing and individualised approach to the SMP procedure and client care. We go above and beyond to offer our clients comprehensive guidance, starting from the initial consultation and continuing through to meticulous aftercare. Our SMP service is carried out with utmost attention to detail, ensuring a seamless, natural result.

All of the artists at Foli Sim are fully certified with an industry standard infection control certification. Our clinic is Health Department certified and insured, employing medical-grade equipment and specially formulated SMP pigments. To further assure our clients, we provide a 12-month guarantee on all completed SMP treatments, offering free touch-ups if needed within that period.

We have three clinics in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney, as it is our priority to make high quality SMP as accessible as possible to those around Australia.


Get in touch with the leading SMP experts at Foli Sim

If you are curious about SMP as a hair loss solution for you, then Foli Sim is here to walk you through the process. Whether you want to reach out for more information or book in a free no-obligation consultation, our friendly team is more than happy to help you, so contact us today.

How Is SMP Different From The Traditional Tattoo?

scalp micropigmentation vs tattoo

Hair loss can be an incredibly frustrating experience, luckily with modern technology, it doesn’t have to be. Scalp micropigmentation (or SMP for short) is a safe, non-invasive alternative to more intensive hair loss treatments.

If you are just beginning your research into SMP you might be asking yourself a couple of questions, mainly is SMP the same as a traditional tattoo? You are in just the right place to have that question and many others answered. In this blog we will jump into some of the common questions people tend to have about SMP, including if SMP is a form of tattooing and how long scalp tattoos last.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical procedure that layers very small dots of pigment in varying shades to mimic the natural look of a shadow on your scalp. SMP gives the impression of a fuller head of hair, either by adding density to thinner areas or by covering the entire bald scalp to give the look of a freshly shaven head (buzzcut).

Hair Tattoos: What’s All the Buzz on This Growing Trend?

What is a Tattoo?

A tattoo on the other hand is a type of body modification where a piece of artwork is placed on the body by inserting ink, dyes and pigments into the dermis layer of the skin. Tattoos are usually decorative or symbolic.

what is Tattoo

Key Differences Between Scalp Micropigmentation and Traditional Tattooing

While the two procedures might seem similar so far, there are some key differences between hair tattoos used for thinning hair and traditional tattoos. We have listed some of the key differences between SMP treatment and standard tattoos below:

Their Purpose

First off, and this may be an obvious one; the two procedures are undergone for different reasons. While tattoos are primarily used for decorative or symbolic reasons, SMP is specifically used to replicate the appearance of hair and is a solution to hair loss.

The Equipment Used

SMP uses specialised equipment to get the proper scalp pigmentation look. The needles used by SMP practitioners are usually much smaller than those used in traditional tattooing. This smaller size is better for accurately mimicking the look of hair follicles.

Will Scalp Micropigmentation Cause Hair Loss

The Type of Ink Used

The ink that is used by SMP practitioners has been carefully formulated to ensure it doesn’t change colour over time in the way that traditional tattoo inks can. Traditional tattoo inks contain different ingredients to SMP pigments.

The Technique of Needle Insertion

The technique used for SMP is different in comparison to traditional tattoos. This difference helps to decrease the spread of pigment under the skin and allows technicians to make smaller and more precise dots that resemble short hairs.

The Training Undergone

SMP practitioners undergo scalp specific training, as well as learning about hair follicles, scalp anatomy and the specific techniques used in SMP. Traditional tattoo artists on the other hand have a different range of skills.

Is Scalp Micropigmentation a Form of Tattooing?

Technically speaking, yes, because the procedure involves the insertion of pigment into the skin. However, as we have spoken about above, it is a highly specialised form of tattooing with its own unique equipment, techniques, and training. If you are looking to undergo SMP it is critical to book with a SMP specific practitioner.

How Long Do Scalp Tattoos Last?

Scalp tattoos are considered permanent, however will fade with sun exposure and age, meaning they usually last between 3 to 5 years. After this the pigmentation may start to fade and you will be due for a touch-up session. There are several factors that may impact how long your scalp tattoos lasts including the quality of your practitioner, your skin type, lifestyle and maintenance treatments.

Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation


Unlike other invasive treatments for hair loss, SMP is non surgical and non invasive. The procedure has minimal downtime.

The Appearance of Fuller Hair

SMP gives you an authentic look of fuller hair. This is great for those who are either experiencing balding or hair loss in only specific parts of the scalp.

Long Lasting

After your SMP treatment you will have a good 3-5 years before you have to think about your hair loss again!

Cost Effective

In comparison to other hair loss treatments SMP is an affordable treatment option, especially due to the long lasting results.

Low Maintenance

Luckily, SMP is a very low maintenance hair loss solution. You don’t need any special shampoos or expensive skincare products, and you can cut or style your hair however you like.

Confidence Boost

The most important benefit on the list; SMP will help boost your confidence, so you can stop worrying about your hair constantly.

To read more: Is Scalp Micropigmentation For Me?

Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation

How to Choose the Right Scalp Micropigmentation Clinic

Selecting the right scalp micropigmentation clinic is critical for having an end result that replicates natural hair follicles. When selecting your clinic you should consider the following qualities:

  • Experience and qualifications
  • Portfolio (pics or it didn’t happen)
  • Reviews and testimonials
  • A successful consultation
  • Fair pricing

What to Consider when Choosing an SMP Clinic

Get in Touch With Foli Sim

If you are seeking a reputable scalp micropigmentation clinic, Foli Sim is the team you need. The Foli Sim team is a family business made up of a dynamic, highly skilled group of individuals specialising in scalp micropigmentation. We have clinics in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney offering high quality scalp micropigmentation services. We offer a free consultation, so if you want to take your first step on your SMP journey, fill out our enquiry form below or reach out to our friendly staff on 1300 668 490.

Understanding Alopecia: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

what causes alopecia

Are you experiencing hair loss due to alopecia? Hair loss can be a frustrating experience, and looking for solutions can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, you’re in the right place.

In this article from the team at Foli Sim, we will learn about alopecia, some of the common causes and the treatment options available, including scalp micropigmentation.

What Is Alopecia?

Alopecia is a general term that is used to describe hair loss. This hair loss can be anywhere on the body where it would be normal to have hair growing. Alopecia can occur at any age in both men and women. Some people may experience localised alopecia, while others may experience it over their entire scalp or body. There are many different types of alopecia, which we will be discussing in further detail.

Before we do that, we want to look into some of the causal factors behind alopecia.

What Causes Alopecia?

There isn’t a one-size fits all answer to what causes alopecia. Rather there are numerous possible reasons for the occurrence of alopecia, as well as different causes for each of the different types of alopecia. If you want to determine why you are losing hair, it’s best to book in with a healthcare professional, so you can be diagnosed with the specific type of alopecia and discover recommended treatments.

Some of the common causes include:

Types Of Alopecia And How They Affect Hair Growth

Here are some of the types of alopecia listed:

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of alopecia. You may have heard of it when also referred to as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. It is caused by both genetic and hormonal influences, leading to progressive thinning and hair loss. With this condition, it’s possible that over time the affected follicles will stop growing hair altogether, leading to hair thinning and baldness.

Alopecia Areata

A common question asked is ‘is alopecia an autoimmune disorder?’. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body’s immune system to wrongly attack hair follicles which leads to hair loss. There are three types of alopecia areata; patchy alopecia areata, which results in, as the name suggests, patches of hair loss. Alopecia totalis results in total or near-total hair loss on the scalp. Finally, alopecia universalis results in total to near-total hair loss in all body areas. It’s possible for hair growth to resume spontaneously, or it could stop and start; unfortunately, however, the condition is unpredictable and will be based on the individual.

Telogen Effluvium

This type of hair loss occurs after a physical or emotional stressor, such as an illness, post-surgery, childbirth or after experiencing extreme stress. Telogen effluvium is usually temporary, and the hair will come back.

To read more: Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?

Traction Alopecia

This is caused by excessive tension and pulling of the hair, likely due to tight hairstyles, braids or hair extensions. If the tension is not relieved, this type of hair loss can lead to permanent damage to hair follicles.

Traction Alopecia

Is Alopecia Genetic?

Some types of alopecia are caused by genetics, and some aren’t. For example, androgenetic alopecia, the most common form of hair loss, is caused by genetics. Alopecia areata is also believed to have a genetic component in combination with other factors.

How To Prevent Alopecia From Spreading

Whether or not you can prevent alopecia from spreading will depend on the underlying cause. It’s best to speak with a medical professional to ensure you understand why you are experiencing alopecia and what you can be doing with your individual condition to limit the spread.

Generally, there are some lifestyle decisions you can make to improve overall hair health and possibly prevent alopecia.

  • Maintain a healthy diet and ensure you are getting all of your micronutrients.
  • Manage your stress by either reaching out to family and friends or booking in to see a professional.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles.
  • Be gentle when brushing hair, and avoid brushing when wet.
  • Consult a healthcare professional.

Common Misconceptions About Alopecia

Below we will address some of the common misconceptions about alopecia.

  • Alopecia only affects men — While it is true that the most common type of alopecia, androgenetic alopecia, does affect men more, it still occurs in women. Likewise, the other types of alopecia affect both men and women.
  • Alopecia is caused by washing your hair too often — it is not true that alopecia is caused by washing your hair too often; clean hair is important for overall hair health.
  • Cutting or shaving your hair can encourage hair regrowth — unfortunately, this is not true; cutting or shaving your hair won’t result in increased hair growth.
  • Alopecia is contagious — alopecia is not contagious, so there is certainly no need to worry about catching hair loss from somebody else.

Common Misconceptions About Alopecia

Treatment Options For Alopecia

There are several treatment options available for alopecia; the best treatment plan for you will depend on your age, how extreme the alopecia is and what the underlying cause of your alopecia is. For this reason, it’s best to consult a doctor to get a better understanding of the best treatment option for you. Below we will list some of the common treatment options.

  • Over-the-counter medications — for some forms of patchy hair loss or total hair loss, it’s possible to buy over-the-counter topical medications to encourage new hair to grow.
  • Prescription oral medication — there are some oral medications available that can block the hormone responsible for hair follicle shrinkage.
  • Hair transplant surgery — this is a form of medical treatment that transplants hair from one part of the scalp to the thinning or balding area.
  • Laser therapy — laser therapy can help to encourage hair regrowth by increasing blood flow in the scalp.
  • Scalp micropigmentation — scalp micropigmentation can help to manage alopecia by tattooing small dots on the scalp that mimic the appearance of hair follicles.

Treatment Options For Alopecia

How Scalp Micropigmentation Can Help Manage Alopecia And Improve Self-Esteem

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive treatment for thinning, patchy or balding hair. By tattooing small dots on the scalp, scalp micropigmentation mimics the appearance of hair follicles. As SMP creates the illusion of a fuller head of hair, it is the ideal treatment for male and female pattern baldness, alopecia areata and patchy hair loss. The colour is carefully matched to your shade to ensure a streamlined and natural look. For the most part, SMP takes between 2-4 sessions to achieve the desired result, with the finished product lasting for several years.

Foli Sim is a reputable family-owned SMP provider offering compassionate, judgement-free consultations and services to get you back on track to feeling confident with your hair. We offer both scalp micropigmentation for men and scalp micropigmentation for women for varying degrees of hair loss.

All of our staff have been carefully trained to ensure you are in the best hands, so if you are considering scalp micropigmentation to help with your alopecia, please reach out to the Foli Sim team today!

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss? What You Need to Know

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss

It’s been a massive few years globally, with stress being a prevalent response to everything happening around us. Stress impacts the body in a number of ways, including causing digestive issues, weakening the immune system, causing muscle pain and problems with sleep, mood or weight. Extreme stress can also be linked to hair loss.

Is Hair Loss A Natural Part Of Your Hair Cycle?

To a degree, hair loss is a natural part of hair growth, with new hair constantly replacing lost hair in the growth phase; this, however, is not the same as stress-related hair loss.

We are all born with around 100,000 scalp hair follicles—however, this amount changes based on your natural hair colour. Blondes really do have the most fun, with an average of 150,000 hair follicles, followed by those with black or brown hair averaging 110,000 to 100,000 hair follicles, and finally, redheads have an average of 90,000 hair follicles.

It’s considered a normal part of the hair cycle to lose 50-100 strands a day. Anything beyond this is considered excessive hair loss or, in medical terminology, ‘telogen effluvium’.

Is Hair Loss A Natural Part Of Your Hair Cycle

What is stress-induced hair loss?

Telogen effluvium is stress-related hair loss, often resulting in patchy hair loss following an extreme period of stress in an individual’s life. Usually, telogen effluvium will first be present by thinning hair, either in one area, or spread across the entire scalp. Sometimes telogen effluvium can also cause other body hair to fall out. However, this isn’t as likely.

How Does Stress Cause Hair Loss? What Are The Triggers?

Physical trauma

Temporary hair loss or patchy hair loss can be the result of the body’s high-stress levels following physical trauma. For example, a car crash, losing blood or having surgery. When the stress levels are raised from physical trauma, hair follicle stem cells enter into a resting phase, where they stop growing. Usually, you won’t notice the hair loss until two months after the event; this type of hair loss will usually cure itself within six months to a year.


Sudden changes in hormones can lead to temporary hair loss; some women experience hair loss during pregnancy, while others notice that their hair grows thicker and healthier. Again, this type of hair loss usually resolves itself within six months.


Some medications may affect your hair growth cycle. If you are experiencing extreme hair loss following starting a new medication, it may be worth speaking to a doctor to see if they can change your dose or swap you to a different variation.


Some vitamin deficiencies can lead to hair loss, for example, if you are low in iron, zinc or vitamin B-6 or B-12. If you believe your hair loss could be diet related, it’s best to speak with a doctor to get your hair growth back on track.

Sign of another condition

Sometimes hair loss may be a sign of another problem occurring within the body. For example, some autoimmune disorders can result in hair loss. If you are unsure why you may be experiencing hair loss, speaking with a doctor to understand if chronic stress or something else is the root issue is advisable.

Sign of hair loss another condition

Tips For Managing Stress To Prevent Hair Loss

If you believe emotional stress may be the cause of your hair loss, there are a few ways that you can manage your stress to attempt to prevent further hair loss:

  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Practice techniques that promote relaxation, such as meditation and breathing practices
  • Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night
  • Eat a healthy diet with lots of micronutrients
  • Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol
  • Manage time more efficiently to reduce emotional stress caused by being too overworked
  • Connect with friends and family
  • Seek professional help

Tips For Managing Stress To Prevent Hair Loss

A Solution To Hair Loss: Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive treatment for hair loss, thinning or patchy hair. Scalp micropigmentation, or SMP, is a non-surgical technique that mimics the appearance of hair follicles by tattooing small dots on the scalp. SMP creates an illusion of a fuller head of hair, making it an ideal solution for male and female pattern baldness, alopecia areata (an immune condition), or patchy hair loss.

The pigment is matched to the colour of your hair to create a natural look. SMP is a safe, non-invasive solution to hair loss that helps individuals restore the appearance of a full head of hair without going through surgery or other more invasive treatment options. Usually, SMP takes between 2-4 sessions to achieve the desired outcome, and the finished product can last for several years.

For a reputable scalp micropigmentation clinic, put your faith in Foli Sim. The Foli Sim team is a dynamic, highly skilled group of individuals specialising in scalp micropigmentation. Foli Sim is a family-owned and operated business that provides highly trained staff to care for you.

How to Find the Right SMP Practitioner Near You

Get In Touch

At Foli Sim, we offer a free consultation to get you on track to a restored sense of confidence. So if you want to take your first step on your SMP journey, fill out our enquiry form below or reach out to our friendly staff on 1300 668 490.

Do Hair Tattoos (Scalp Micropigmentation) Fade?

smp artist

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) has become a widely popular treatment for both men and women experiencing hair loss – offering a more affordable, non-invasive alternative to other hair loss methods. But how long does this treatment last? And does it fade naturally? Here’s what you need to know about the durability of hair tattoos.


Scalp micropigmentation (SMP), also known as a hair tattoo, is a non-surgical treatment option for individuals experiencing all forms of hair loss – including minor thinning or complete balding. This procedure has become widely popular among both men and women who want to create the illusion of a full head of hair and is suitable for all hair types, skin colours, and ages, making it a versatile option for everyone. 


Similarly to a traditional tattoo, SMP involves the use of a microneedle which deposits tiny dots of pigment into the scalp’s surface, mimicking the appearance of natural hair follicles. The result resembles short stubble hair on the scalp. This non-invasive, precision approach to the appearance of hair loss safely and effectively adds “density” to the hair without actually requiring the use of donor hair like a transplant would. 


Hair tattoos offer a significant hair loss cover-up solution that can even help hide scalp scars and skin conditions. Additionally, scalp micropigmentation is considered to be more affordable compared to other hair loss treatments, making it accessible to a wider range of people.


Do Hair Tattoos Fade?

While SMP is an effective solution for the appearance of hair loss and baldness, one concern that comes up time and again, is whether or not the hair tattoo will fade over time. The answer, in short, is yes. Scalp micropigmentation does lighten and fade over time. If done correctly, the fade should gradually and naturally lighten over 2-5 years. On the other hand, if applied incorrectly by an underqualified practitioner, it could last longer and may not look as desired. 


On average, a hair tattoo will last about 2 to 5 years before it needs a refresh. A strategically placed scatter of pigment should generally be sufficient to restore your hair tattoo to its original appearance during the touch up. 


However, it’s important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to scalp micropigmentation fading. Some individuals might require a refresh after 5 years, and some (not many) will have to come back for retouching after only a year or two. The extent of fading will depend on several factors including exposure to the sun, proper aftercare, further hair loss, type of pigment used, technique employed by their SMP artist, and an individual’s immune system.


Factors That Can Cause Hair Tattoos to Fade

Hair tattoos are a cosmetic procedure designed to be long-lasting when done right, but they are subject to fading over time for a number of reasons – the main one being the sun.



Sun exposure is the leading cause of fading in hair tattoos. Similar to how a conventional tattoo is prone to fading with repeated sun exposure over the years, hair tattoos are especially vulnerable due to their location on the scalp, which is constantly on display. UV rays – whether from direct (from the sun), indirect, or artificial (from tanning beds) sources – will cause the pigment in your hair tattoo to break down over time, leading to a loss of colour and vibrancy. This is especially true for individuals who spend a lot of time outdoors for work, such as construction workers, farmers, or lifeguards, and people who live in areas with high sun exposure. 


Furthermore, sun exposure can also cause skin damage, which can also contribute to the fading of your scalp micropigmentation. Individuals who have undergone SMP should take extra precautions to protect their tattoo from the sun by wearing sunscreen with an SPF 50 or higher daily, or by wearing a hat or other head covering when spending extended periods outside. Tanning salons should be avoided altogether. 



A good SMP artist will explain your hair tattoo’s healing process and aftercare rules in detail. That’s because, in addition to sun exposure, proper aftercare is crucial in helping prevent your hair tattoo from fading. Following healthy habits ensures the best long-term results. One important aspect of SMP aftercare is avoiding water exposure on your scalp for the first 48 hours after the procedure. This allows the pigment to fully set and helps prevent premature fading.


Your skin/scalp care also plays a role in fade prevention. It is important to keep the treated area clean and moisturized. This can be done by using a gentle, sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner, and applying a moisturizing scalp serum or oil daily. Avoid the use of any harsh topical products which include exfoliants, hair dyes, styling products with alcohol, and heat tools.  


Immune System 

Believe it or not, your immune system also plays a part in the fading of scalp micropigmentation, because it works to remove foreign particles from the body – including the pigments used in SMP. When these pigments are injected into the skin, the immune system recognizes them as foreign and sends white blood cells (macrophages) to the area to engulf and remove the pigments. This process, known as phagocytosis, can cause your hair tattoo to fade over time. Individuals with a stronger immune system may experience faster fading of their hair tattoos. However, this process does not happen overnight and can take years. 


Scalp conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, or seborrheic dermatitis which cause inflammation and irritation on the scalp can also potentially result in SMP fading quicker. If the scalp is constantly shedding skin cells and hair, the tattooed pigments may be removed along with them.

Certain treatments for these scalp conditions such as topical steroids or light therapy can further contribute to tattoo fading.


Type of Ink Used

Unlike traditional tattoo ink, scalp micropigmentation uses a pigment specifically formulated for the scalp in order to mimic the look of natural hair follicles. As such, the ink used in scalp micropigmentation must be able to blend seamlessly with the individual’s natural hair colour, leaving a natural-looking finish. The pigments used in SMP are designed to resist fading better than traditional tattoos. Instead of bleeding, or turning blue/green, they will typically fade evenly to a grey or brown shade which are colours present in almost everyone’s natural hair follicle. However, it’s important to note that SMP ink is intended to fade faster than regular tattoos.


Artist Technique

Another reason hair tattoos fade quicker than traditional tattoos is because SMP is a surface-level tattoo. The pigment is injected into the upper layers of the skin, in a dot-like formation, with a microneedle that is much smaller than even the smallest conventional tattooing tool and doesn’t go as deep. This shallow placement allows for the SMP to retain its shape and not spread, resulting in natural-looking stubble that is more vulnerable to fading. However, on the downside, its proximity to the surface of the skin makes it more exposed to the elements and the skin’s natural exfoliation cycles. 


A skilled and experienced SMP artist will use a variety of techniques, such as layering and shading, to add more coverage and density to increase the longevity and overall appearance of your hair tattoo. Whereas an underqualified SMP practitioner may be more prone to mistakes such as overworking the scalp, which can lead to pigment bleeding, premature fading and other issues. It is important to do your research and choose a practitioner who has a proven track record of producing high-quality hair tattoos to ensure the lifespan of your scalp micropigmentation. 


How to Remove Scalp Micropigmentation Completely

While it’s true that hair tattoos can fade over time, it’s important to note that the extent and rate of fading will depend on a variety of factors. However, a popular question we get from individuals who are unhappy with their previously done SMP results is: 

Will my hair tattoo completely fade over time by itself? 

Not likely. While regular touch-ups can be done to maintain the intensity and vibrancy of the pigment, the only way to fully remove scalp micropigmentation is through laser tattoo removal. This medical procedure uses a laser to target the pigment in the tattooed area, breaking it down and removing it from the skin. The laser energy is absorbed by the pigment, causing it to break down and be absorbed by the body, effectively removing the tattoo through the lymphatic system. It is important to note that laser tattoo removal can be a painful and time-consuming process. Multiple sessions are usually required to fully remove the tattooed area, which is another reason why it’s so important to choose a reputable SMP practitioner who can provide quality results and discuss the potential risks of the procedure with you.


Foli Sim

Scalp micropigmentation can be a great solution for those looking to address the appearance of hair loss. While SMP can gradually fade over time, the extent and rate of fading will depend on a variety of factors including the quality of the initial application and post-care. To ensure that your SMP will ultimately fade as desired years down the line, it is crucial to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner. 


At Foli Sim, we understand the importance of choosing the right practitioner for your SMP needs. That’s why we only work with highly-skilled and qualified practitioners who have been trained to the highest standard. Communication is key, and our SMP artists are happy to guide you through the process answering any questions you might have. As industry leaders in scalp micropigmentation, client safety and comfort is our main concern at Foli Sim. 


If you’re thinking about getting a hair tattoo but don’t know where to start, our team is available to help. We offer complimentary in-person, phone, and video consultations to discuss options and create a customized treatment plan that fits your lifestyle and needs. Visit us at one of our three locations across Australia today, Or Contact us now via our website.  

Are Hair Loss Treatments Safe?

Hair loss on a man

With so many hair loss solutions and treatments on the market, it’s hard to separate the good from the bad. Before committing to any one approach, it’s essential you take the time to do your research and weigh the risks associated 

A receding hairline. A spreading bald spot on top of the head. Painfully thin hair that is especially noticeable where the hair parts. More than 80% of men and half that amount of women will suffer from some form of hair loss during their lifetime.

As common as it is, it’s not any less distressing. While it can be a mere inconvenience for some, for many of us, hair is more than just a part of the body – it’s our identity. It’s no wonder individuals struggling with hair loss often experience symptoms of low self-esteem, anxiety and depression as well. What’s worse is that we’re always being told about the next great treatment on the market, and it’s difficult to separate the good from the bad. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, but with 1 in 2 men being affected – who could blame you for believing these false promises? 

That’s why we’re here to help you identify the right treatment for you, based on your unique situation and goals, and what to watch out for when considering your options. This way, there are no unsightly, frustrating, or (worse yet) dangerous surprises.

About Hair Loss

When it comes to hair loss, both men and women experience it. In some, it starts sooner in life, rather than later. For most people, hair growth slows dramatically after middle age; this is just one cause of hair loss. Genetics and certain types of alopecia play a huge role in hair loss as well.

It’s important to understand what’s causing your hair loss so that you can better determine what kind of hair loss pattern you’re experiencing (if it will continue to thin gradually or abruptly, regrow on its own, or require immediate attention) and what treatment options may be available to help you.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by a range of factors, including genetics and hormonal imbalances. It can also be the result of certain medical conditions, medications and lifestyle factors (a poor diet). Some common causes include:

  • Genetics – Some people are born with genes that make them more susceptible to certain types of hair loss than others. Male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are the most common causes of hair loss in the world.
  • Hormones – Hormonal changes can cause temporary or permanent hair loss in both men and women; this is usually due to an imbalance or problem within the body’s endocrine system 
  • Medications – Certain medications—including some blood pressure drugs, chemotherapy agents, antidepressants and hormone treatments—can cause temporary or permanent hair loss for some people who take them.
  • Stress/mental health – Issues like depression or anxiety, as well as autoimmune disorders including alopecia areata

Hair Loss Treatments

Once signs of hair loss arise, the search for product and treatment information begins. But as the hair loss treatment market grows, so does the number of choices. It is important to be thorough in your search and use reliable websites and doctors to find real products and real treatments.

There are numerous hair loss treatments available, from medications to surgery. Drug-based options include finasteride, minoxidil and spironolactone. Non-drug-based solutions include hair transplantation, scalp micropigmentation, and laser therapy. 

Hair Transplant Surgery

Some baldness sufferers opt to undergo hair transplant or restoration surgery. This involves removing hair follicles from a loss-resistant area of the scalp (usually the back of the head) and transplanting them to an area where there is less hair (the hairline and crown). There are two different types: 

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): involves the individual extraction of hair follicles and then transplanting

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation): involves removing a long strip of the scalp, separating the follicles, and transplanting them. For maximum density, FUT is recommended.

If you’re considering a hair transplant, you’re not alone. The procedure is an effective way for men and women to restore bald, receding or thinning hair. But it’s important to note that hair transplants aren’t always successful. Sometimes more than one session is required over for optimal results (depending on available donor hair). If you decide that this isn’t right for you or your budget, there are other alternatives available that may work out better – including certain types of medications and treatments – so make sure you do your research before making any decisions.


Like any surgical procedure, it is advisable to do your research before making a decision. When choosing your surgeon, make sure they have experience performing this type of procedure, and are up-to-date on the latest techniques. Any questions you have should be answered with ease and confidence.

2. Medication for Regrowth

Finasteride and minoxidil are the two most prominent – and clinically proven – treatments for men’s hair loss. Although they both work to achieve the same goal (slowing down hair loss and promoting regrowth), they work in totally different ways. Let’s break down these two medications: 

Minoxidil (Rogaine): Originally developed to treat blood pressure, developers of minoxidil discovered that the medication caused excessive unwanted hair growth as a side effect so they started using it as a hair loss solution. Minoxidil is a vasodilator. When applied to the scalp, the drug appears to widen blood vessels, which increases the flow of blood to hair follicles. This blow flow delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the hair, resulting in thicker, longer hair.  

Finasteride (Propecia): Finasteride was first developed to treat prostate cancer in men.  Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays a big role in male pattern baldness, binding to men’s hair follicles and damaging them which prevents growth. Finasteride is a DHT blocker. This medication works by stopping your body from converting testosterone into a natural body hormone, DHT, and therefore slows down hair loss. Finasteride stops hair loss and grows new hair, whereas minoxidil doesn’t stop hair loss but helps grow new hair thicker and faster than before.   


Finasteride and minoxidil are the only two FDA-approved products to treat hair loss, but both come with potential side effects. Finasteride is only suitable for males, but even minoxidil has limitations for women who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding. It is advisable to speak with your doctor or medical professional to weigh up your options and potential risks. 

3. Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a non-surgical and painless way to encourage hair growth. The process irradiates photons into scalp tissues, which are absorbed by weak cells, and encourages hair growth. Because the results of laser therapy are inconsistent, the conclusion of the medical community seems to be that it appears to work for some people, but not for others.


The effects of laser technology are not yet fully understood. The FDA has classified laser devices as medical devices, which means they do not undergo the same level of scrutiny or testing that medicines receive before approval. 

5. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a form of hair tattooing that involves the use of a small electric micro-needle to inject pigment into the scalp that mimics the appearance of short hair. The procedure can be used to add density to thinning or receding hair and to help camouflage bald spots or scalp scars. SMP does not stimulate hair growth or alter hair growth in any way. Instead, it acts as a solution for the appearance of hair growth. On average, SMP requires 3-4 sessions to achieve the desired density and depth, and the result resembles a closely shaved head (or buzz cut). Hair tattoos can benefit both men and women with all forms of hair loss – temporary or permanent – including male and female pattern baldness, alopecia areata, chemotherapy-related hair loss, scalp scars due to injuries or hair transplants. SMP is considered to be a long term solution for hair loss.  

A Safer Alternative to Hair Loss Treatments

Scalp micropigmentation is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical cosmetic procedure that offers a safer alternative to hair loss treatments with virtually zero downtime. Unlike the very popular hair transplants, SMP doesn’t involve any actual cutting into the scalp or transplanting of follicles. Pain is minimal (more manageable than a traditional tattoo) and is very well tolerated by patients. The risks of scalp micropigmentation are only really associated with a poorly trained technician and the use of non-sterile tattooing equipment. These are the same risks that come with traditional tattoos. 

Do Your Research Beforehand

If you’re concerned about the safety of hair loss treatments, know that there are safe and effective options out there. But, it’s also good to err on the side of caution. Here are some things you should keep in mind when considering treatment options for hair loss:

  • Always talk with your doctor or dermatologist before starting any new treatment. They can help assess your particular situation and find the best approach for your needs and lifestyle.
  • Take time to find a good practitioner to help guide you through this process before committing. It may seem like common sense but not all practitioners have the same level of qualifications or credentials in hair restoration, so finding someone with experience is key when deciding if they can be trusted with something as personal as your health/hair loss condition. Have multiple consultations to ask as many questions as you need until you feel confident and comfortable and look out for any bad reviews and check out their before-and-after images to ensure there are no surprises later down the line (which happens sometimes).
  • Research and educate yourself on potential risks that might come along with each procedure. It’s better to be safe than sorry. In this case, that means waiting and not rushing into anything until you’re ready. Make sure any product you use contains ingredients that have been approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Be wary of “treatments” that over-market themselves and over-promise results. Snake oil, hair loss brushes and herbal supplements and ointments are all examples of falsely advertised solutions to hair loss.

Hair Loss Solutions at Foli Sim 

As industry leaders in scalp micropigmentation, client safety and comfort is our main concern at Foli Sim. All of our SMP clinics are certified by the Australian Health Department. We use only medical-grade equipment in our sterile treatment rooms and wear proper PPE to ensure all possible precautions are being taken. Our experienced staff come from a background of extensive knowledge in hair tattooing and are certified in scalp micropigmentation artistry.

If you’re considering effective and safe solutions to your hair loss, SMP is a great option and our team would be more than happy to assist you on your journey. We offer free in-person, phone, and video consultations so that we can discuss your options and form a personal treatment plan to suit your lifestyle and needs.

Come visit us in one of our three locations across Australia today.

The 4 Biggest Scalp Micropigmentation Regrets

scalp micropigmentation regrets

Even though scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a life-changing treatment, there is a small percentage of people who regret their decision to go through with it. 99% of the time, these scalp micropigmentation regrets are due to one of four reasons.

We’ll explore each of these in more detail below so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not SMP is right for you.

1. Not Doing Enough Research

The number one regret people have after getting scalp micropigmentation is that they didn’t do enough research beforehand. This is understandable because when most people first hear about SMP, they have a lot of questions and limited resources to turn to for answers. The best way to avoid this regret is taking a step further to seek out educating yourself as much as possible about the treatment before making a decision.

There are plenty of good resources out there, but one of the best is our free blog; there are many reasons why hundreds of people Australia-wide consider us the best micropigmentation specialists.

2. Not Choosing the Right Clinic

Another common regret is not choosing the right clinic for your treatment. This is an important decision to make because ultimately you’re entrusting someone with your appearance, so do your research and make sure you’re seeking out services from a reputable business.

Some things you should look for in a good clinic are; before-and-after photos of previous clients, training and experience of the staff, and reviews from other customers. It’s also a good idea to visit the clinic in person before making a final decision.

3. Not Being Realistic About Results

Before getting SMP, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the results you’ll see. This treatment can do a lot of amazing things, but it’s not going to completely transform your appearance. If you’re expecting to look like a completely different person after SMP, you’re likely to be disappointed.

It’s also important to remember that results can vary from person-to-person. Some people see dramatic results after just one session, while others may need multiple sessions to achieve their desired look.

4. Not Following Aftercare Instructions

Aftercare is an important part of the SMP process, but it’s often overlooked. Your practitioner will give you specific instructions on how to care for your scalp after treatment, and it’s important to follow these closely.

If you don’t take care of your scalp properly, you may experience irritation, infection, or other complications. This can lead to suboptimal results or even a need for additional treatments.

To avoid this regret, make sure you understand and follow all aftercare instructions carefully.

In short, scalp micropigmentation has the ability to enhance your life and self-confidence for the better, so long as you conduct thorough research, find an established, experienced professional, set realistic goals and follow through with steadfast aftercare. 

That’s where we come in! Our team of trained experts make it our mission to ensure that all of these factors are met for each client that walks through our doors. No matter who you are, we cater to all people and all budgets, with our free consultation and payment plan options making it more attainable than ever before to achieve the look you’re after.

Book a Free Consultation

Which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss?

smp for hair loss

There are many different causes of hair loss, and vitamin deficiencies can be one of them. While many different vitamins are important for healthy hair, some of the most common deficiencies that can lead to hair loss include vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron. If you suspect that you may be deficient in one of these vitamins, it’s important to see a doctor so that you can get tested and start taking supplements if necessary.

Many studies prove that the link between vitamin deficiency and hair loss is very real. For example, one study found that people with vitamin D deficiency were more likely to experience hair loss than those who weren’t deficient. Another study looked at a group of women with iron deficiency and found that more than half of them also experienced hair loss.

If you’re experiencing hair loss and you think it may be due to a vitamin deficiency, it’s important to get tested by a doctor and start taking supplements if necessary. In most cases, hair loss due to vitamin deficiencies is reversible and your hair will start growing back once your levels are normalised.


Common Vitamin Deficiencies Linked to Hair Loss

Some of the most common vitamin deficiencies that cause hair loss include… 

  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Iron deficiency
  • Zinc Deficiency
  • Protein deficiency 
  • Selenium Deficiency

While these are some of the most common, it’s important to remember that there are many other potential causes of hair loss as well. If you’re experiencing hair loss and you’re not sure what the cause is, it’s always best to consult with a doctor or trichologist.


Vitamin D deficiency

One of the most common vitamin deficiencies that can lead to hair loss is vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is important for healthy hair because it helps to promote growth and prevent hair loss. If you’re deficient in vitamin D, your hair may start to thin out and you may experience more hair loss than usual.

If you’re experiencing hair loss and you think it may be due to a vitamin D deficiency, it’s essential to get tested by a doctor and start taking supplements if necessary. In most cases, hair loss due to vitamin D deficiency is reversible and your hair will start growing back once your levels are normalised.


Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is another vitamin that is important for healthy hair. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to hair loss because it prevents the body from absorbing the right nutrients needed for healthy hair. If you’re deficient in vitamin B12, your hair may start to thin out and you may experience more hair loss than usual.


Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. It is especially prevalent in developing countries, but can also occur in developed countries. The most common symptoms of iron deficiency are fatigue, weakness, and irritability. Iron deficiency can also cause hair loss.


Zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency is a worldwide health concern. While it is more prevalent in developing countries, zinc deficiency can also occur in developed countries. The most common symptoms of zinc deficiency are skin rashes, hair loss, and diarrhoea. Zinc deficiency can also lead to stunted growth in children.


Protein deficiency

Protein deficiency is a common cause of hair loss. Protein is essential for the growth and maintenance of all tissues in the body, including hair. When the body doesn’t get enough protein, it breaks down muscles to get it, resulting in muscle wasting and weakness. Hair loss can be one of the first signs of protein deficiency.


Selenium deficiency

Selenium is a mineral that is essential for good health. It is found in some foods but is also available as a supplement. The most common symptom of selenium deficiency is a condition called keshan disease, which results in the loss of hair and nails. Selenium deficiency can lead to hair loss and cause dry, brittle hair.

A variety of other nutritional deficiencies can also cause hair loss, including deficiencies in zinc, iron, and vitamins A, B5, C, and E. These can be caused by dieting and eating.


Other Causes of Hair Loss

In most cases, a vitamin deficiency alone may not be the sole cause of your hair loss. If you think this is the case, it’s important to look into other potential causes of hair loss.

Hair loss can also be caused by several other factors, including:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Alopecia areata
  • Medications
  • Radiation therapy
  • Stress
  • Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)

How Can Scalp Micropigmentation Help You?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a cosmetic procedure that can help to camouflage the appearance of hair loss. SMP involves tattooing pigment into the scalp to create the illusion of fuller, thicker hair. It is most often used to treat male pattern baldness and can be an effective alternative to hair transplant surgery.

Hair loss can be a frustrating and emotionally distressing experience. If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s important to seek out treatment options that can help you regain your confidence and improve your appearance. Scalp Micropigmentation is a safe and effective way to camouflage the appearance of hair loss and restore your self-confidence. 

SMP can help to restore confidence and improve your appearance. Contact a trusted, local provider such as Foli Sim to learn more about this treatment option. With three studios located in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne, Foli Sim is renowned for being a leading provider of SMP. They even offer complimentary, no-obligation consultations with their skilled SMP artists so you can discern whether this is the right hair loss solution for you. Learn more about what they offer and book your consultation at their website today.

Is Micropigmentation Only for Hair on the Scalp?

smp for hair loss

Micropigmentation is the latest in a long line of buzzwords that keep getting thrown around at the moment, and it seems that more and more people are seeing its value. While many of us associate the term with receding hairlines, this popular cosmetic treatment can benefit so much more than just the hair on your scalp.

What is Micropigmentation?

Micropigmentation is a semi-permanent procedure used for both cosmetic and medical purposes; it involves inserting a needle into the dermis (second-deepest) layer of the skin and depositing biocompatible pigment particles into the treated area.

Often referred to as skin tattooing, micropigmentation uses a medical-grade micro-needle – which is significantly finer (about 75% more) than the ones used for traditional tattooing – to treat any area of your body where you want to add colour. The smaller needle size allows for greater control over placement and detailing, and the results are incredibly natural-looking when done right. This procedure is most often used to mimic hair follicles and replicate the appearance of real hair growth. 

Micropigmentation is considered non-invasive, meaning discomfort is minimal and the treatment will last you several years before requiring any touch-ups, as the pigment is resistant to fading. The only way to remove the pigment is through laser removal. That being said, a client’s skin is an important factor in the durability of micropigmentation, as it tends to fade quicker on oilier skin types.


Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a popular choice among men and women who are experiencing thinning hair or a receding hairline. In this procedure, the specialised needle deposits micro-dots of pigment onto the scalp, which, unlike traditional tattoos, do not turn blue or grey over time. The pigment closely resembles hair follicles and creates the illusion of a fuller head of hair for those with sparse patches, and a more defined hairline or buzzcut appearance for those who have lost hair completely. This treatment allows those who have lost their hair due to disease, trauma, stress, age or genetics to feel confident once again. 


SMP is an increasingly popular treatment, but did you know there are several types of micropigmentation that are used to treat hair sparsity?


Is Micropigmentation Only Used for Hair on the Scalp?

It’s no secret that hair loss is common, but it’s not just your scalp suffering from hair sparsity. Micropigmentation can be used on any area where hair naturally grows, such as the eyebrows, eyelash line and beard/moustache, as well as the scalp.

While some of us love our beards, eyelashes or eyebrows and wouldn’t dream of losing them, sometimes we simply don’t grow enough hair to give us a full-looking beard, fluttery lashes, or thick eyebrows. Whether you’re looking for a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic transformation, micropigmentation is an excellent option for those seeking to restore the appearance of hair on their face.


Eyebrows are one of the most important features on your face. They frame your face, show off your facial expressions, and play an essential role in facial recognition. If you have sparse or thin eyebrows due to overplucking, alopecia or just genetics, you can improve their appearance with micropigmentation (not to be confused with microblading). 

In this procedure, pigment is deposited from the needle either as hair-like flicks to blend in with your natural hair strokes, or it can be dispersed more heavy-handed using a shading technique to give the eyebrow more dimension and depth. Both techniques can achieve the appearance of fuller-looking brows, alter your brow shape, or deepen their colour to provide a more youthful appearance.



Eyelashes, similarly to eyebrows, can lack volume or length as a result of disease or genetics, which makes them an ideal spot for micropigmentation. The sensitive procedure – which involves placing dotted pigment onto the base of each lash line to create a natural, fuller look – can give you the appearance of more hair without the need for extensions or mascara. You can also opt to have your eyelids tattooed with a subtle pattern for a more dramatic eyeliner look that enhances the hair’s density.

It’s important to note that eyelids and lash liner techniques are extremely delicate methods of micropigmentation that should be performed with careful observation and precision.


Beards and Moustaches

A beard is often seen as an expression of masculinity, but not every man has naturally strong beard growth and not every beard grows evenly. There are several reasons why some have patchy or uneven facial hair, such as genetics, acne scars, alopecia barbae and age. With beard and moustache micropigmentation, men can restore their beard to its former fullness or even create the illusion of a beard from scratch. 

With this method, the needle deposits pigment similarly to the SMP technique, creating tiny dots of colour that mimic real hair follicles and add bulk to the skin under the facial area. Like other forms of micropigmentation, it is long-lasting and a simple way to change the look of your beard, and contour the face.


Alternative Hair-less Uses of Micropigmentation

Micropigmentation may have gained popularity for its role in mimicking hair to aid those experiencing different types of hair loss, but that doesn’t mean it’s only good for hair restoration. This procedure is becoming increasingly popular for its many non-hair-related uses, including:

  • Covering scars or burns
  • Camouflaging depigmentation on the skin (vitiligo)
  • Areola reconstruction
  • Permanent makeup (lip rejuvenation, freckles)


Scar Camouflage

Micropigmentation can be used to camouflage scars of any colour. In fact, it’s a great way to hide scars from surgery, skin cancers and other types of procedures that leave behind an unsightly mark. In addition to making the scar appear smaller or less noticeable, micropigmentation can also help disguise redness and discolouration that often results from healing wounds.


Skin Pigmentation

The skin is a large and complex organ. As such, many different types of discolouration can be treated with micropigmentation. If you have vitiligo (white patches of skin), have had tattoos removed through laser surgery or other methods, or have birthmarks or stretch marks, micropigmentation can help you achieve an even colour throughout the affected areas. Even if you don’t want to cover up a tattoo but would like to correct unevenness in the pigment of your existing tattoos, micropigmentation may still be an option for you.


Areola Reconstruction

Micropigmentation can also be used to restore a natural-looking areola. This is particularly applicable to individuals who have had breast cancer, surgery or breast augmentation. Once the reconstructed breast has time to heal, the micro-needle is used to deposit pigment to the skin in the same colour, shape, and look as the other breast, or to match the patient’s past or desired nipples.


Lip Rejuvenation

Micropigmentation can add colour to lips that have lost their natural pigment due to ageing or sun damage. This process can change the shape, colour and asymmetry of the lips, making them appear fuller and even. The procedure is also used to treat deficiencies in people who have experienced congenital or acquired loss of their lip line. For instance, after surgery in people with cleft lips, micropigmentation is used to repair the appearance of their lip line. More than one treatment may be required to create the desired look.


The Real Deal

Micropigmentation is a much more versatile treatment than you may have previously thought. This innovative, non-surgical procedure is praised by so many for its ability to restore thinning hair in men and women alike, and it is garnering quite the reputation for its potential beyond the reach of just hair.

Not only can it mimic the look of hair on your scalp, but micropigmentation can also help fill patchy areas on your eyebrows, eyelashes and facial hair (beards and moustaches). Furthermore, micropigmentation can be applied to areas of the body where hair doesn’t naturally grow, using different needling techniques to camouflage scars, even-out pigmentation, reconstruct areolas post-surgery, and more.

It’s not surprising that micropigmentation has taken the world by storm and is gaining recognition as a worthwhile cosmetic enhancement procedure. No matter your chosen application of micropigmentation, this treatment benefits many different ‘problem’ areas and can lead to an improved sense of self-confidence. After all, this powerful treatment holds the promise of helping to restore natural beauty and there’s nothing more self-assuring than that.


Foli Sim

While it’s often referred to as a ‘tattoo’, micropigmentation isn’t a treatment that any old tattoo parlour can perform here in Australia It is essential that you choose a reputable, professional clinic with highly trained staff to ensure the procedure goes exactly as anticipated and you leave with natural-looking, lasting results.

With three studios located in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth, Foli Sim is Australia’s leading provider of Scalp Micropigmentation services. If you are experiencing receding or thinning hair and feel that SMP is the hair loss solution you’re looking for, contact us today and we will happily book a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your options and restore your confidence.

Hair Loss: What to Look for, Why it’s Happening, and What You Can Do

hair loss treatment smp

So You’re Losing it

Maybe you woke up one morning and it shocked you. Maybe you’ve been slowly noticing it a little more every day, but you’ve convinced yourself otherwise. Maybe it’s just the lighting in the bathroom. Maybe no one else noticed it. Maybe it’s not that bad…

Hair loss.

Let’s face it – it’s not fun and no one likes to talk about it. Symptoms are all too often ignored until one day, someone makes a ‘harmless joke’ about you losing more hair than what’s on your head and there’s no looking back.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, you know how embarrassing it can be and how awkward it is to try and hide the situation. For many, losing your hair feels crippling, affecting not only your appearance but taking a serious toll on your self-esteem and confidence. It’s no wonder that hair loss is ranked as the third most common complaint among men.

While hair loss may seem like a touchy topic to discuss, it’s also an incredibly common one, affecting 85% of men and 40% of women by the time they are respectively 50 and 40. Whether it’s a receding hairline, thinning hair, or balding scalp, you’re not the only one. What’s important is knowing what to look for, understanding the different contributing factors, and how to treat them individually.


Symptoms of Hair Loss

One of the biggest issues with hair loss is that the signs are often so subtle that by the time you notice, it could be months or years down the line. That’s because hair loss is common. The average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs a day as part of a healthy growth cycle. This usually goes unnoticed as our bodies are continually shedding old hairs and replacing them with new ones at the same rate they’re lost. However, shedding is not a sign of hair loss; a receding hairline, bald spot, or overall thinning from hair not growing back, is.

There’s a fine line between hair shed and hair loss, so if you’re having a hard time identifying how much is ‘too much’ when looking down at that hairbrush, consider these visual cues as a guideline for symptoms of hair loss:

  • Gradual thinning on top of the head. This is most common, affecting both men and women as they age. In men, hair often begins to recede from the forehead in a line that resembles the letter M. Women typically retain the hairline on the forehead but have a broadening of their hair parting.
  • Circular or patchy bald spots. Some people experience smooth, coin-sized bald spots throughout their head or larger circles towards their crown. This type of hair loss usually affects just the scalp, but can also occur in beards or eyebrows.
  • Sudden loosening of hair. Handfuls of hair may come out when combing, washing or even after gently tugging your hair. This type of hair loss usually causes overall hair thinning.
  • Full-body hair loss. Some conditions and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, can result in the complete loss of hair.

While less hair is undoubtedly the main sign of hair loss, it is also possible to experience additional, more unique symptoms depending on the cause, such as:

  • Burning or stinging before sudden hair loss; those who have alopecia areata often experience this.
  • Intense itching and tenderness where you have hair loss; this is possible with different types of infections.
  • Scaly bald patches, often with blisters that open; this is a sign of ringworm (fungal infection).
  • Redness, swelling, and pimple-like sores that may itch and leak pus; a condition called folliculitis decalvans can cause this.
  • Scaly patches of psoriasis on your scalp; most people who have psoriasis also get it on their scalp, and this can cause temporary hair loss.

It’s important to familiarise yourself with the symptoms of hair loss and pay attention to your scalp regularly so you can identify a potential issue before it becomes a bigger problem. Knowing when it started, if it’s accompanied by other unusual side effects, and what it looks like (if it follows a specific pattern) is essential in determining the cause and implementing an effective treatment strategy sooner. Prevention is always better than a cure.

What Causes Hair Loss

Too many of us silently struggle with hair loss not knowing what caused it. You may be left feeling hopeless and irritated, wondering what you did to bring it on or why it happened to you in the first place.

The truth is that sometimes there is no single reason for hair loss, but rather a combination of contributing factors. Some causes are hereditary, others are brought on by illness, and some are caused by our very own behaviours.

Medically, hair loss falls into several different categories including:


Hereditary (family history)

Genetics is by far the most common cause of hair loss worldwide and unfortunately, it’s the one that’s the most out of our control. It’s also the same reason men are more likely to go bald than women. Often referred to as male or female pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia), this type of hair loss is caused by a combination of factors, including an inherited tendency towards baldness, increasing age, and male hormones.

This causes your hair follicles to be sensitive to normal levels of male hormones (androgens like DHT), so they shrink and eventually stop growing hair. The process occurs gradually but can start as early as your teens (puberty) for men, or later on in life for women (around menopause) and usually follows different patterns for both.


Medical conditions

Autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata – in which the immune system revs up for unknown reasons to attack hair follicles – cause patchy hair loss all over the scalp. Other medical conditions which include hair loss as a symptom include thyroid disease, lupus, diabetes, anaemia, rheumatoid arthritis, eating disorders, nutritional deficiencies (lack of protein, biotin, zinc or iron), a hair-pulling disorder like trichotillomania, syphilis and scalp infections like ringworm or psoriasis.

Usually, when the underlying condition is treated, the hair will return but it may not be the same as before. When it comes to scarring as in some forms of lupus, hair loss may be permanent.


Drugs and supplements

Hair loss can be a side effect of certain drugs, such as those used for depression, heart problems, gout, high blood pressure and birth control. People who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation from cancer are also exposed to certain medications that not only kill the cancer cells in their body, but also the cells that cause hair to grow. This type of loss often affects the entire head and is temporary, slowly regrowing post-treatment.



Stress affects almost every aspect of our lives and many people experience a general thinning of hair after a physical or emotional shock. That’s because the pressure of stress has a direct effect on your body’s hair growth cycle. This can include but is not limited to: sudden or excessive weight loss, high fever, pregnancy, invasive surgery, prolonged illness, or the death of a loved one.

This common form of hair loss (referred to as Telogen effluvium) can be triggered during and up to three months after a major body shock, lasting several months. It is often temporary and will resolve itself as the body heals.


Hairstyles and cosmetic treatments

Excessive hair styling that pulls your hair tight, such as ponytails or cornrows, can cause traction alopecia, a type of hair loss that may be permanent. The same goes for bleaching, dyeing, perming or relaxing your hair, which can damage the hair follicle enough that it leads to overall thinning and bald patches that don’t grow back.

Determining the reason for your hair loss is essential to knowing whether your hair falls out gradually or abruptly, thins, regrows, requires treatment to regrow, or needs immediate care to prevent permanent hair loss. Once you determine the cause, you can take the time to have a serious conversation with your doctor about the next steps.


How to Treat Hair Loss

Unfortunately, there is no single hair loss treatment that works for everyone. Effective treatment begins with finding the cause, which is best done alongside the help of a medical professional who can educate you on whether you might be able to reverse your hair loss, or at least slow it down. In some cases, hair regrows on its own and treatment is not necessary.

Hair loss resulting from drug side effects usually requires no treatment other than discontinuing the medication causing the problem. Limiting trauma or chemical exposure may stop hair loss from cosmetic treatments. Hair loss from poor nutrition or medical illnesses often stops with the adoption of a healthy diet and treatment of the underlying condition. Scalp infections require 6-12 weeks of oral medication to treat.

However, for those who suffer from the most common type of hair loss – androgenic alopecia (also known as male and female pattern baldness) – treatment varies from over-the-counter medication to hair transplants, scalp micropigmentation and/or even laser.



There are several over-the-counter medications that people may use to treat their hair loss. The most common ones are Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia). These topical and oral products work by stimulating blood flow to the scalp, which can help encourage hair growth for men suffering from male pattern baldness. Premenopausal women may be treated with estrogen or spironolactone, while finasteride may be recommended for postmenopausal women.

These products are proven to be most effective when used in conjunction with procedures like microneedling and PRP (platelet-rich plasma). Results can take at least 6 months to show and these medications must be used indefinitely if effective to maintain their results. It’s important to note that they also include possible side effects like scalp irritation, diminished sex drive, and an increased risk of prostate cancer to name a few.


Hair Transplants

A hair transplant or restoration surgery is a procedure that involves moving the hair follicles from one part of the body to another to cover bald patches on the head. The two methods include follicular unit transplantation (FUT) also known as strip harvesting, as well as follicular unit extraction (FUE)..

While it can produce natural-looking results, this procedure is only suggested for those with mild or moderate hair loss, as donor hairs can be limited. Following your surgery, there is likely to be scarring and bruising, and it can take up to 18 months for the transplanted follicles to grow hair.

It is also quite an expensive and invasive procedure for patients who must often undergo multiple surgeries before seeing the final results; depending on the type and extent of the procedure, it can cost anywhere from $5000 to $20,000.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic procedure where a specialised pigment is applied to the scalp to replicate the appearance of closely-shaven hair. It can be used to restore a receding hairline, add density to thinning patches, or camouflage scarring.

This innovative treatment is ideal for all levels of hair loss and thinning, including complete baldness. Two to four sessions (with 7-14 days in between) are typically all that is required for SMP; while there will be some post-treatment redness and aftercare recommendations, there is no downtime, meaning you can resume your normal life after your treatment.

More and more people are opting for SMP as it offers a permanent, natural-looking solution for a fraction of the cost of other hair loss treatments.

Scalp Micropigmentation at Foli Sim

You may be losing your hair, but don’t lose your head; you have options. If you’re experiencing hair loss, we know how stressful it can be and perhaps the most common question people have is, “What can I do about it?”

We can help you with that! Scalp Micropigmentation is a safe and fast alternative to hair replacement surgery with no downtime. Here at Foli Sim, we are proud to be Australia’s leading SMP provider, with three state-of-the-art clinics in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. Our skilled, friendly staff are dedicated to helping you achieve the seamless, natural look you deserve. Take the first step in reclaiming your confidence and give us a call today to book a free, no-obligation consultation.

Is the Cure for Hair Loss Coming Soon?

scalp micropigmentation regrets

For decades, perhaps even centuries, many have touted the ‘miracle cure’ to hair loss. These so-called solutions never actually solved anything, but that didn’t stop clever marketing and sales tactics attempting to draw in desperate clients looking for a magical fix.

With all of the advancements in science and medicine over the past few decades, one would think that the cure for hair loss is on its way. Cures for hair loss are still in development in 2022, with scientists hard at work researching genetics, age-related, and hormonal factors that contribute to male pattern baldness. However, there are still no known cures for hair loss at the moment.

Hair Loss Cures & Research

How much longer will one have to wait until an effective cure hits the shelves? Will it be feasible as an early adopter or will it be better to wait a few years? Some of the research on hair loss treatments currently being looked at include:

  • KROX20: This protein is responsible for telling skin cells to begin growing hair. Research is underway on products that can generate this effect and turn baldness into a fertile scalp for hair regeneration, much like turning a desert into a fertile plain for sowing seeds.
  • SCF Gene: This is the Stem Cell Factor (SCF) gene, produced by the KROX20 protein that affects hair colour and in turn, greying hair. Researchers are in the process of identifying possible treatments for balding and hair greying.
  • Baldness genetics: Research is underway on methods of early detection for genetic male pattern baldness. By better understanding the nearly 300 genetic indicators of male pattern baldness, early treatment options may be more effective at mitigating hair loss.
  • Stem cells: Although in early research stages and with little evidence of success, stem cells may be able to work as a cure for hair loss by re-triggering the growth and reproduction of hair.

Is the Cure for Hair Loss Coming Soon?

Most of the above research on cures for hair loss is still in the early development stages. Even if it hits the news that a new cure is just around the corner, the research will need to be patented and developed into a formulated product and tested in clinical trials that can take years.

In the case that a successful hair loss cure hits the market in the near future, it may also be cost-prohibitive and expensive due to patents on the chemical formula. Moreover, the lack of long-term research on the effects and side effects will be lacking. In short, don’t get your hopes up for a hair loss cure if you’re dealing with pattern baldness right this moment.

Thinking Realistically: Wait for a Cure or Get Treatment Now?

For the foreseeable future, it is best that you turn your attention to hair loss treatment solutions that work in the here and now. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a hair loss treatment available today; keep in mind that it doesn’t do anything to actually regrow hair, but instead creates the appearance hair. This is achieved by a trained SMP artist applying tiny dots of specialised pigment to your scalp to replicate the look of closely-cut hairs.

SMP can help restore a receding hairline, add density to thinning or balding patches, and camouflage scalp scars. A non-invasive and non-surgical procedure, your SMP artist will precisely colour match the pigment to your natural hair colour and skin tone to make it look as natural as possible. Best of all, it’s suitable for both men and women experiencing hair loss or thinning.

Learn More About SMP With Foli Sim

As a leading provider of Scalp Micropigmentation, Foli Sim has state of the art studios located in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. If you’re interested in learning more about this guaranteed hair loss treatment and how it can help you deal with hair loss, book a free, no-obligation consultation with us at Foli Sim; this can be conducted in-person, phone or via Zoom.

Why Doing Your Research Before Booking Your Next Cosmetic Procedure Is Important

hair loss

The Hidden Costs of Discount Practitioners

When it comes to Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) and other cosmetic procedures, many people are tempted to go for the cheapest option, which often means dealing with unlicensed or underqualified practitioners to save a few bucks. However, an upfront decision to save a couple hundred can cost thousands of dollars down the line when your result is less than desirable. It’s difficult to put a price on the time and energy spent dealing with a procedure that has gone wrong, as well as the emotional cost of having to live with it.

Research is important when considering any type of cosmetic procedure and Scalp Micropigmentation is no different. It is very technical and requires a great deal of training to perform with excellence. Cutting costs could result in a botched job that you will have to fix by hiring someone else later down the track. Depending on the severity of what went wrong, this could mean paying out of pocket for correctional work due to:

  • Inconsistent pigments and colours
  • Pigment saturation or migration, leading to a blotchiness effect on the scalp
  • Poorly mapped out hairline
  • Excessive fading
  • Loss of individual dot definition due to poor deposit spacing
  • Missed spots resulting in patchy areas on the head

It’s important to note that not only is it very difficult to correct poor pigmentation work, but sometimes it’s near impossible. In such cases, removing the defective treatment altogether with a laser is the only option. Unfortunately, SMP removal is a delicate process that may require several costly and potentially painful sessions; a single laser session can cost up to $400 per session, on top of the time and money already spent on the bad SMP.

If a price sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Aside from the unnatural and unappealing results you could get from an unqualified ‘artist’, you also run the risk of health complications.

Botched Jobs Can Also Cost You Your Health

Due to its non-invasive nature, SMP is an extremely safe procedure with no downtime. Often compared to the process of getting a traditional tattoo, the pain from Scalp Micropigmentation is less intense and shallower using a pointillism technique instead of scraping. When done correctly, it can be mildly painful for some, irritating to others, and virtually painless for the vast majority depending on your tolerance. Poorly administered SMP, on the other hand, can lead to painful complications.

Though the treatment itself is not a cause for concern, the greatest danger of SMP is the factors involved during treatment, including:

  • An inexperienced practitioner
  • Unsanitary tools
  • Allergies
  • Unhygienic maintenance
  • Poor quality inks with heavy metals present

Side effects from these factors can range from inflammation, infections, and rashes to scarring and allergic reaction to pigments. Depending on the type of pigment used, these side effects can include a burning sensation on the affected areas and could limit your access to magnetic-based imaging equipment like an MRI, due to the iron oxide present in these pigments.

Even rarer but scarier is the potential for skin infections, which can lead to fever and disease. If the equipment used to create your SMP is contaminated with bacteria or infected blood, you can contract various bloodborne diseases, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

It is important to note that while these side effects are rare, they are very real. The good news is that these dangers can easily be avoided by doing your research. Improper body substance isolation and sterilisation protocols are scary, but with an inexperienced practitioner, you’re at an increased risk of both. Ensuring the professional you choose is qualified and has the right credentials to carry out the procedure beforehand will be the difference in saving a potential visit to the doctors.

So How Do I Avoid These Risks?

Now that you’re aware of the risks, it will be much easier to know what to look out for when choosing a practitioner. What separates a qualified practitioner from an underqualified one is simple: knowledge. Finding the right practitioner for your cosmetic procedure does not have to be daunting, it just takes a little research.

When considering cosmetic procedures, many of us are guilty of hurrying ahead to ‘get on with’ the process of receiving the actual treatment without doing our due diligence and completing our homework. Maybe it’s because labouring over the details of your practitioner’s training and experience doesn’t particularly interest you or maybe you don’t think it matters all that much. You may think, “It’s their profession, so they must be a professional.” Unfortunately, as we have learned, that is not always the case.

With a growing demand for SMP in recent years, many ‘artists’ claim to be qualified, so it is crucial to ensure that your sense of urgency does not override your need to research your SMP professional. That way, you are making an informed decision about who you are trusting with your scalp.

While they are often compared, cosmetic tattoo artists and tattoo artists are not qualified to be SMP artists and they should not be confused with one another. SMP practitioners are registered to perform it, hold certificates from well-known SMP treatment facilities, and have completed the relevant Safety, Hazard and Infection Control courses for their area.

Practice does in fact make perfect and that is especially true when it comes to performing cosmetic procedures. SMP is not one-size-fits-all and therefore needs to be tailored to the individual. The best artists do not just hold the necessary credentials; they have trained with the best, have several years of practice on heads of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities, and have a reputable standing in the industry.

The best kind of reassurance you can have is from other people who have been there and done that. Hearing from other people’s experiences is a powerful tool when shopping for your practitioner and provides insight into the finer details of their personality, behaviour and creative flair. Read their reviews and find those with similar situations as yours who have had successful results. Similarly, learn from others’ mistakes and steer clear of those with too many negative ones.

The proof is in the picture. Before and after photos are a great indicator of quality. Make sure you look through your practitioner’s portfolio to ensure they are a good fit for you. Instagram is often a helpful tool for this, as more and more artists are showcasing their work through social media. If a company has no website or social media presence, or if they are hesitant to show you their work, consider it a red flag.

Some things to ask yourself when looking at before and after pictures:

  • Are the transformations too good to be true?
  • Does the after picture look unnatural?
  • Is there a wide variety of looks in their portfolio? Be cautious if you’re seeing the same look over again, as it can mean they don’t have experience with different hair types and skin tones.
  • Do the photos include a variety of angles and lighting?

Find Someone Who Makes You Feel Comfortable

So you’ve read up on the side effects, done a thorough background check on your practitioner, asked around for people’s experiences, and reviewed pictures of their work. You feel confident with your decision. Your research is done, right? Hmm… Not quite yet.

While doing your research beforehand is crucial to finding a qualified practitioner you feel safe with, it doesn’t stop there. A consultation should play a major role in your decision, as nothing beats meeting in person. This is why consultations are so important and a pivotal process of your research. During this time, you’ll have the opportunity to ‘screen’ your practitioner. Take special notice of their bedside manner. Do they take the time to understand your situation, concerns and goals? Are they confident in their capabilities? Do they provide clear answers?

Full transparency is key. A good practitioner is honest about the risks and benefits of a procedure and will not push you into doing something you don’t want or is not likely to produce the results you’re looking for. If you feel any hesitation towards them, this is a sign that they are not the best fit for you. Simply put, trust your gut.

Is the Clinic as Clean as the Practitioner’s Record?

Going for a consultation provides the perfect opportunity to not only meet your potential practitioner, but it also allows you to assess the cleanliness of the working space. As the last crucial step in your research when booking a cosmetic procedure, it is imperative to investigate the clinic itself.

Ask for a tour of the practice and while doing so, make sure you do a bit of detective work to get more information. Look around for their Health Department licence on display, which shows they are legally able to carry out the procedure. Take note of how clean and sterile the practice is and whether there is a sink available in the treatment rooms. If anything looks or smells slightly off, question it.

Are all SMP artists wearing proper PPE including gloves, face masks and barrier film on the SMP device? Are they using new, single-use needles and opening the package in front of their clients? This is crucial when considering safety and minimising health risks associated with unsanitary protocols.

Similarly to screening your practitioner, if anything feels off in regards to the atmosphere, don’t be afraid to vocalise this. At this point, it’s not too late to change your mind and saying something could mean the difference between a successful procedure and an infection nightmare.

Curiosity Will Save the Cat This Time Around

There are no stupid questions when it comes to cosmetic procedures. This is your head we’re talking about, and the right practitioner will want you to be well prepared and confident in your choice. There should be no surprises when the big day approaches, which is why it’s so important to be an informed consumer and do all your research. Remember, you’re doing this to positively impact your life and when done right, it will.

Having a clear understanding of the costs, payment plans available, and if insurance benefits apply is important. So is speaking to both your general practitioner and SMP artist to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure. While most people are, some individuals with certain skin conditions like psoriasis and alopecia areata have to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The same goes for pregnant women. Having open and candid conversations with your practitioner about your concerns and medical history is important so you both understand the risks associated and are happy with the results you can achieve. Are you using other treatments like Rogaine to help with hair growth? Do you have questions about aftercare and sun exposure? Let them know! A good practitioner will address all your concerns and be able to provide you with helpful instructions and tips.

Doing the research to find the perfect practitioner is your duty when undergoing any cosmetic procedure. While the task may seem daunting, it can mean a world of a difference to your mental, physical and financial health. And if you don’t like what they have to offer? Contact another, and another, and one more until you find a more qualified professional. Trust us, your future self will thank you.

Foli Sim

The friendly and qualified clinicians at Foli Sim Scalp Micropigmentation have a wealth of knowledge about SMP. So get in touch with us for a free, no-obligation consultation today. With three studios located in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne, we offer consultations in-person or via Zoom and WhatsApp.

Will I Regret Scalp Micropigmentation?

A common question that is often asked by individuals considering scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is “Will I regret scalp micropigmentation?” The answer to this question can’t be a definitive yes or no, but many satisfied clients SMP here in Australia, and even some prominent celebrities, have spoken highly of the fantastic results.

On the other hand, it is possible that one may regret having SMP done. Perhaps the outcome does not meet their expectations. Perhaps the quality of the SMP was below industry standards. Perhaps the patient wanted a quick solution but later regrets not trying alternatives such as minoxidil (Regaine) or a hair transplant.

Whatever the reason, regret is a possibility depending on the individual and their expectations. This is why it’s always worth considering all available options before deciding on SMP as a hair loss treatment solution.

Can My Scalp Be Repaired?

If you’ve received a shoddy SMP treatment in the past, the good news is that often a skilled SMP clinic can ‘repair’ the damage done to some extent. This can both restore your confidence and perhaps eliminate any sense of regret.

If you’ve received an SMP treatment that isn’t to your satisfaction, one of the first considerations you should make is to have it repaired. Otherwise, it may be possible to remove the SMP with laser or saline treatments, but note that these may require multiple sessions.

Why do People Regret SMP Treatment?

There are a variety of possible causes for regret over SMP treatment, such as:

Unprofessional SMP practitioners

In many ways, SMP is similar to a cosmetic tattoo. In many more ways, it is anything but! A poorly done SMP job by an unskilled artist can result in an awful result for the customer. Experienced practitioners spend years studying SMP specifically and must have a good understanding of the techniques needed for men and women with various levels (and reasons) of hair loss. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution; always choose to work with qualified professionals such as Foli Sim.

Incorrect pigmentation

Perhaps if you’ve received a ‘regular’ tattoo a few years ago, the pigment has turned a little greenish-blueish. This can happen over time, even with a well-done SMP session. Occasional touch-ups will restore the full colour pigment for years to come. However, this shouldn’t start to occur quickly after receiving the treatment. If the practitioner has selected a poor pigment choice for your skin tone and scalp, the pigment can turn green-blue noticeably soon and look awful.

Puncture sizes and tools

There’s a reason why SMP practitioners use specialised pigments and equipment. SMP needles must be perfectly sized to resemble tiny, follicle-sized pigment that replicates the look of short stubble hair. If the practitioner is using incorrect equipment or improper techniques when it comes to puncture sizes, the results can lead to a mis-match when comparing to the remaining hair and a less than optimal end result for the customer. 

How to Avoid Regretting SMP Altogether

If you’re considering scalp micropigmentation in Melbourne or a hair tattoo in Sydney for hair loss or thinning hair, then you can avoid the chances of regret by going to an experienced clinic with trained professional practitioners who are ready to show you their portfolio of successful results and talk you through the details.

Foli Sim

Come book a consultation with us at Foli Sim today.

Scalp Micropigmentation: Does it Look Genuine?

Considering a Hair Tattoo? 5 Questions To Ask Yourself First

A big question that’s commonly asked is “does SMP look genuine?” Really, the common moniker ‘scalp tattoo’ doesn’t do it much justice, as it doesn’t look like a tattoo at all, but rather an authentic buzzed scalp of hair.

However, SMP isn’t just for achieving a buzz-cut look. That’s one of its main applications, but there are many reasons why men and women can take advantage of SMP treatment as a solution to hair loss and thinning hair.

What Effects Can SMP Achieve?

Scalp micropigmentation is most often used for the following types of application in men and women:

  1. Shaven look. For men and women undergoing hair loss or thinning, SMP is a popular treatment solution that seeks to disguise the appearance of complete baldness by creating a buzz-cut appearance that replicates real hair. From both near and afar, the pigmentation looks very real. In fact, the only giveaway that it isn’t actual hair is from touching, so unless you want people to come over and touch your scalp, you won’t have to worry about how real it looks.
  2. Added density. For men and women with thinning hair or pattern baldness emerging in spots, the appearance can be a cause for panic in the bathroom mirror or when out amongst friends and colleagues. SMP can be ‘blended in’ with existing hair to add the appearance of density and a full scalp of hair. Pigmentation is applied to areas of the scalp that show thinning or baldness, and touch-up sessions can be scheduled to fill in any future thinning if it continues to occur.
  3. Scar camouflage. Scars and birthmarks on the scalp can sometimes be virtually invisible underneath the hair, but other times they aren’t. SMP treatment around scars and birthmarks can better camouflage them, so that men and women can regain their confidence when out in public places.

Looks and Confidence Matter

There’s one thing that all SMP solutions have in common, and that’s that men and women who choose SMP want to restore their full confidence and self-esteem. We’re willing to put our word on it that you’ll be satisfied with the results of our SMP treatment solutions; in fact, we offer every client who completes their procedure with Foli Sim a 12-month satisfaction guarantee. Need a touch-up during the first year after receiving SMP treatment? Come by and we’ll touch it up for free!

The Results Speak for Themselves

SMP is a non-surgical procedure that needs to be seen, which is why we’ve assembled a gallery with many typical applications of SMP and before/after photographs to give you a better impression of what you can expect.

The results of SMP really do speak for themselves, so we welcome you to have a browse and book a consultation to learn more about how we can best restore your full confidence in the face of thinning or balding hair.

Foli Sim

Book a consultation with the friendly and qualified clinicians at Foli Sim today.

5 Steps to Prepare for Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment Sessions

SMP vs. Hair Regrowth Treatments

Are you considering scalp micropigmentation (SMP) treatment for hair loss? It’s a sensible choice for many men and women, but it’s also good to do some forward-thinking and planning ahead if you are seriously considering this reliable hair loss treatment solution.

1. Ask Yourself if SMP is Right For You

The first and most important question is whether or not SMP is right for you. As with many hair loss treatment solutions, SMP requires some commitment and forethought. SMP camouflages hair loss by using a specialised pigment that mimics hair. The technique has proven to be very useful for disguising thinning areas on the scalp right through to creating a complete Buzz-cut / shaven look for people with more advanced hair loss. There are other options that may or may not work depending on your hair loss circumstances. However, in recent times SMP has gained more popularity over existing solutions due to the fact that it is non-invasive and the results are realistic and immediate. Feel free to read over our older blogs about the benefits of SMP and how it stacks up to other popular hair loss treatment solutions and decide for yourself.

2. Book Your Consultation with a Qualified SMP Clinic

The good thing about SMP is that it’s a great and guaranteed solution to hair loss. There are many other benefits, of course, but the big downside is that it can be a challenge to find a clinic that is qualified to perform this procedure. Fortunately, Foli Sim has clinics in Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney to serve our valued clients across Australia. It’s important that you choose a qualified clinic with trained SMP clinicians, as even if it is sometimes referred to as a ‘scalp tattoo’, you shouldn’t ever consider just going to your local tattoo parlor down the road to have the procedure done.

3. Schedule Your Appointment Times

Once you’ve chosen a reputable SMP clinic near you, it’s important that you book an initial consultation and schedule your appointment times once you’ve decided that it’s the right choice for you. Normally, SMP treatments require 2-4 sessions for the pigmentation and full effect to come through. These sessions should be booked anywhere from around 7-14 days apart to allow the scalp plenty of time to heal in between sessions. The first two sessions are for establishing the pigment, and building up density in the process. The last sessions are for minute detailing and feathering of the pigment.

4. Consider Financing Options

Although SMP is an extremely cost-efficient method of hair loss treatment in the long run, there is nevertheless an initial cost that can be a barrier for some. The good news is that we’ve partnered with ZipMoney to provide six months of interest-free financing for SMP treatments so that anyone can receive the self-esteem and confidence that comes with SMP without having to fret over finances.

5. Maintain Ongoing Care for Your Scalp

Most clients that undergo SMP treatments say that the experience is not painful but some discomfort is to be expected, especially around the temples. Having said that, anyone who’s had a traditional tattoo done will likely say that the pain experienced is quite a bit more for normal tattoos than for scalp tattoos.

Foli Sim

Please feel free to enquire with us at Foli Sim and book a consultation for SMP treatments to see if it’s right for you.

Hair Tattoos: What’s All the Buzz on This Growing Trend?

Hair Tattoos: What’s All the Buzz on This Growing Trend?

Hair tattooing, formally called scalp micropigmentation (or SMP for short), is making a big buzz here in Australia and elsewhere as a real alternative to traditional hair loss treatments.

Is SMP Really Guaranteed?

Perhaps you’ve gone through hair loss before or know someone who has. Seldom, if ever, is there a ‘silver bullet’ solution to restoring that lush, full scalp of hair. Instead, people dealing with hair loss often have to swallow a hard pill; no matter the time, effort, and cash dumped into various hair loss treatments, it’s a matter of percentages.

Regaine (often called Rogaine as it is sold in America) is one of the first that often comes to mind. Whilst for some the results are spectacular, for others it can take months of effort, only for the hair loss to continue therefore giving uncertain results for some users.

SMP, when delivered by a skilled artist is guaranteed, and that’s not an exaggeration, simply due to how it works.

How Does SMP Work?

Technically, SMP works much as a ‘normal’ tattoo would. There are needles and pigment, and that pigment is injected into the skin. But rather than leaving behind a custom graphic, SMP aims to replicate the appearance of hair, or to ‘fill in’ patchy areas to diminish the appearance of hair loss.

That’s why it’s guaranteed. Forget the idea that SMP will restore your hair entirely, as that isn’t its purpose. SMP is a predictable and immediate solution for men and women who are undergoing hair loss and would rather let biology run its course and cover-up that hair loss, than opt for costly treatments that may have a low chance of success.

Why is SMP Trending Lately?

There are many possible reasons why SMP has gotten quite popular lately – for none of which we would dare complain! The technology certainly isn’t new; SMP treatments were being performed in America in the 1990s, for example. It could simply be that SMP is a niche hair loss treatment solution, so the practitioners here in Australia were few and far between even a decade ago and remain quite limited in supply to this day. That’s all changing. Foli Sim is a dedicated clinic specialising in premium Scalp Micropigmentation. With clinics in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth employing only highly skilled and internationally-trained SMP practitioners. As more and more satisfied customers receive SMP treatment, the word inevitably spreads about the benefits of SMP and the snowball effect starts kicking in.

Where Can I Get SMP Treatment?

It’s often called a ‘hair tattoo’ but however you refer to it, it isn’t a treatment that any old tattoo parlour can perform here in Australia. Instead, it’s essential you choose a reputable, professional clinic with highly trained staff to ensure that the treatment sessions go exactly as anticipated and leave natural-looking, lasting results.

Foli Sim

A leading provider of Scalp Micropigmentation treatments in Australia, get in touch with Foli Sim to book a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about SMP.

Can I Combine a Hair Tattoo with a Hair Transplant?

Can I Combine a Hair Tattoo with a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplants have long been amongst the ‘gold standard’ hair loss treatments for men and women everywhere. Although they are not guaranteed to provide lasting results, they can have a higher success rate than topical treatments such as Regaine (minoxidil and finasteride).

However, for individuals who plan to have a hair transplant or have already gotten one, bald patches or thinning hair can still occur and leave an undesirable look that may diminish your sense of self-esteem.

Hair Tattoos as a Solution

Relatively new, or at least in terms of its growing popularity here in Australia, Scalp Micropigmentation (or simply SMP) has been successfully used for men and women experiencing hair loss. Can SMP be used in conjunction with hair transplant treatments? Yes! Much like on an original scalp of hair, SMP camouflages patchy areas should they become evident on transplanted hair.

Things to Know About SMP With Hair Transplants

In practice, the implementation of SMP treatments should work exactly the same on an ‘original’ scalp as it would on a scalp that’s received a hair transplant. However, there are some things to note that can make the process more of a challenge for the SMP practitioner.

Firstly, SMP practitioners use a wide variety of pigments to simulate the exact colour of the recipient’s hair. For patients with natural hair, it can be easier to obtain samples to reproduce the colours needed precisely. This is important because an inaccurate colour can emphasise a bald spot or draw unwanted attention.

For patients who have undergone a hair transplant, the colour pigmentation of the transplanted hair must be replicated to have any meaningful effect. Finding an adequate sample can be a challenge, as the patient may have difficulties in growing out their new hair and thereby producing a sample for the clinician. For this reason, it’s important to choose a clinic that is highly experienced and well-trained at performing SMP, as the pigmentation should be nothing short of flawless in its resemblance to the patient’s transplanted hair.

More in-depth information on the feasibility of SMP combined with hair transplants can be found in this robust study.

Is It Worth Getting SMP Along With a Hair Transplant?

This is a personal decision, however when compared to Hair Transplants, SMP can present as a more immediate and very often more affordable hair loss solution. This is due to the fact that it is both non-surgical and non-invasive, while achieving the look of a full, dense hairline. Alternatively, while Hair Transplants can provide something tangible that SMP can’t (actual hair on the scalp!), it can still result in balding or thinning patches of hair if hair loss continues.

Foli Sim

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with the professional SMP practitioners at Foli Sim to find out if Scalp Micropigmentation is a real alternative for your situation.

Can Women Get Scalp Micropigmentation and Is It Worth It?

Can Women Get Scalp Micropigmentation and Is It Worth It?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is an amazing treatment for hair loss and the overwhelming majority of satisfied clients who have gotten it agree. There’s no particular age group, demographic or gender that is excluded either. Men and women alike can take advantage of SMP treatments to deal with hair loss or thinning.

Why Do Women Consider SMP Treatments?

Perhaps the most common reason that anyone, man or woman, chooses to undergo SMP treatment is to camouflage the effects of hair loss. For women that are experiencing thinning hair or patches that cause them to lose confidence, SMP can provide excellent masking of bald patches and thinning hair segments.

Another popular reason, albeit less for most women than for men, is to achieve an all-shaven ‘buzz cut’ look in the event of complete baldness. Some women don’t mind the appearance at all, and a buzz cut look may complement a particular style or simply be preferable to complete baldness.

Last and certainly not least, a popular reason to choose SMP is to cover up scars on the scalp. Unsightly scars that you may wish to hide or cover up can be essentially hidden with the clever use of SMP. Browse our gallery for examples of SMP for women.

Is SMP Suitable for Women?

Although SMP is traditionally associated with men who are undergoing hair loss, perhaps due to age or male pattern baldness, it’s perfectly suitable for women as well. It is true that most of our clients tend to be men, but this could be due to the prevalence of these conditions in men as opposed to women.

Nevertheless, women suffering from hair loss, women with patchy hair that impacts their confidence and appearance, or women that want to cover up a scar can all take advantage of SMP treatments with superb results.

Is SMP Worth It for Women?

This is a personal question, and the same can be asked of men, too. Relatively cheaper hair regrowth products such as Regaine can be far better money-wise, but remember that they’re not guaranteed to work, and you may end up spending hundreds or even thousands out of pocket as you continue to apply these types of products.

Similarly, hair transplant treatments can be prohibitively costly and unrealistic for many Australians. Other hair loss treatments have their own pros and cons, all of which should be carefully considered before choosing what’s best for you.

Having said that, SMP is unique amongst hair loss treatment solutions in that its effects are guaranteed. The reason is that it doesn’t actually promote hair growth at all, but rather SMP camouflages patchy areas of the scalp with micro tattoos that resemble a natural scalp of hair. For these reasons and many more, SMP is ideal as a permanent solution to hair loss that has guaranteed results.

Foli Sim

Women that want guaranteed results for hair loss, to cover up and mask scarring on the scalp, or to restore their full confidence should look no further than Foli Sim for high-quality, professional SMP treatment in Australia. We operate in Perth, Melbourne, and Sydney and provide clients with exceptional SMP services by appointment. Book a consultation today.


What’s the Best Method of Concealing Scalp Scars?

What’s the Best Method of Concealing Scalp Scars?

No matter the reason why you have a scar on your scalp, chances are you’d like to find an effective means of concealing it. The bad news is that scars are often very visible on the scalp, even under a fairly thick head of hair (especially on the sides, rear, or near the forehead). However, the good news is that Scalp Micropigmentation is one of the best solutions for disguising scalp scars.

SMP for Scar Camouflage

It’s one thing to be able to show off some ‘battle scars’ under your sleeve to your mates, however, scars appearing on the scalp can be quite noticeable and often elicit a comment or two, perhaps damaging your self-esteem or confidence.

What’s the solution to an unsightly scar on the scalp visible to everyone? Cover it with a hat perhaps, but not everyone likes hats. One highly popular method of dealing with scalp scars is SMP treatment.

Visually, scars appear to others as dark pigments that contrast with your scalp’s natural pigmentation colour. By masking the scar with pigmentation treatment, the scar becomes invisible to others, and as the saying goes “out of sight, out of mind.”

What Kind of Scars Can SMP Conceal?

There are a few different types of scars that SMP can effectively conceal, which include:

Most scalp scarring can be effectively camouflaged with professional Scalp Micropigmentation.

The Scar Concealment Procedure

At Foli Sim, we understand the reasons why many of our clients come to us for SMP treatment. Concealing scars on the scalp is a common procedure that can restore your confidence and self-esteem, so don’t delay and visit us for effective treatment.

Our process is simple. First, book a consultation with one of our clinic’s practitioners in Perth, Melbourne, or Sydney. When you meet with us in person or online via video conferencing, you can explain and demonstrate your scarring so that we have a better idea of your needs, as well as the scale and scope of work involved.

Following this, we can provide you with a more accurate price, as well as the number of sessions required (which is normally around three), aftercare treatment, and anything else you need to know before committing.

Foli Sim

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Foli Sim. Book a consultation and we’ll be happy to walk you through the entire process so that you can make an informed decision when it comes to treating your scalp scars.

How Many Years Will SMP Last?

How Many Years Will SMP Last?

A couple of common questions that many ask about Scalp Micropigmentation are: “how long will it last? and “is SMP permanent?” There’s no straightforward answer, since everybody’s scalp is different and there are many factors to take into account. Consider the following before choosing SMP as a solution to your hair loss or thinning; we’re confident that you’ll find it both cost-effective and worthwhile for its longevity.

Is SMP a Permanent Hair Loss Solution?

Scalp Micropigmentation by Foli Sim is considered permanent, however touch-ups are sometimes required after 3-5 years, especially if you are experiencing further hair loss. Generally, most clients have long-lasting results, but there are some ways to minimise fading and to extend the results further.

These include:

  • Ink quality: What is the quality of ink (pigment) used in the treatment process? A reputable clinic will use only the best quality ink products that fade minimally over time.
  • Clinician’s expertise: A more experienced clinician can use high-quality inks in a manner that will yield longer-lasting results. This includes precisely colour-matching the pigment.
  • Sun exposure: Too much time spent under the Australian sun can accelerate fading, so if you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, make sure you wear a hat or find appropriate shade.

How Often Do I Need a Touch-Up Session?

It depends largely on how much the pigmentation has faded, but after 3-5 years, most clients should consider getting a touch-up. These sessions will boost the colour and appearance for years to come. Consider booking an appointment sooner if your scalp’s pigmentation has faded before this time rather than letting it continue to fade.

Also, remember to ask the clinic performing the treatment about follow-up procedures. You will need to avoid excessive sunlight and care for your scalp more conservatively in the days and weeks following the first treatment sessions. In this regard, it is somewhat similar to a skin tattoo; you must give it the appropriate time to properly heal.

How to Prolong the Effects of SMP

The best ways to prolong the appearance of your SMP treatment include:

  • Always book a consultation with a qualified and experienced clinic that specialises in SMP.
  • Ask the clinician about the ink they use and how long it can typically last (i.e. for previous clients).
  • Reduce exposure to the sun and keep your scalp covered if you intend to be out and about.

Foli Sim

Book a consultation with us at Foli Sim if you are interested in the many benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation and you’d like to know if it’s right for you. We’ll be happy to provide you with transparent and professional answers to any questions you may have.

5 Top Tips to Care for Your Scalp After SMP

5 Top Tips to Care for Your Scalp After SMP

As Scalp Micropigmentation increases in popularity in Australia and worldwide, there are naturally many questions that come to mind. One of the most common questions that clients ask is “how can I care for my scalp after SMP?” Fortunately, there are some helpful tips to keep your scalp healthy and looking great in the first weeks and months after receiving the treatment, as well as into the future.

1) Moisturise Regularly

Dry, flaky skin can occur anywhere on your body, including on the scalp. Now that your scalp is partially or completely exposed, you’ll want to keep it healthy by using quality moisturiser products.

Like with particular areas of your face, your choice of moisturiser should complement your skin and offset whatever the problem may be, such as excessive dryness or oiliness. Similarly, scalp moisturiser products such as mattifying moisturiser can keep the skin nourished and replenished day in, day out. Choose products with aloe vera or willow bark extract for excellent results. Rub a small amount and work it into the scalp, only adding a drop or two more if needed.

2) Keep it Clean

You may have thought that dandruff can only be a nuisance with a full head of hair, but that isn’t the case. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that creates dead skin cells on the scalp, or in other words, dandruff. This can be kept to a minimum by using quality products such as scalp cleansers that contain nourishing ingredients like:

  • Tea tree oil. This ingredient already exists in many commercial shampoo products, but it can be purchased alone as a type of serum that will minimise flakiness.
  • Coconut oil. For an antibacterial moisturiser that also gives excellent results against fungal growth look no further than coconut oil.
  • Olive oil. Yes, a little drizzle of olive oil goes great in what we eat, but it’s also a millennia-old wonder at treating skin with its antioxidants and vitamin E.
  • Jojoba oil. Jojoba is great at treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and rashes.

3) Apply Sunscreen

If you intend to spend any quality time outdoors under the sun, you’ll want to shield your skin with proficient UV protection from sunscreen; this should include your scalp considering it’s now exposed. Choose products that apply easily, whilst also having enough UV protection for daily use. Avoid spray sunscreen when it comes to the scalp and instead choose a product that can be applied topically.

4) Cover Your Scalp

Whether used in conjunction with sunscreen or not, wear a hat under the sun to protect your sensitive scalp. This not only improves its health but also reduces fading of your SMP. Too much exposure and not enough protection can lead to discolouration over time.

5) Wash Your Scalp

Although you may no longer have a full head of hair, you should wash your scalp at least 2-3 times per week. Give it a gentle wash and follow up your grooming routine by applying moisturiser after you’re done in the shower, so that the pores absorb the product while they’re still open from the steam and hot water.

Foli Sim

Did you know that Foli Sim now has its own Aftercare Range, including a Scalp Moisturiser, Scalp Scrub, and Scalp Balm? Book your free initial consultation with the friendly experts at Foli Sim today to learn if SMP is right for you.

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Call Us 1300 668 490

Book a free, no-obligation initial consultation with one of our experts to explore how Scalp Micropigmentation can benefit you. Our clinics in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth offer in-person consultations, while Zoom and phone consultations are also available.

Text / WhatsApp 0425 869 926

If you have a question or a pricing enquiry, simply send us a few images of your hair loss and a brief message, and we’ll send you a quotation via text or WhatsApp.

Email Quote

If time or distance makes it difficult to visit one of our studios, simply send a couple of images of your hair loss by email, and we’ll send you a written quotation.

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